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Voday, many minor signs of ageing on the face can be improved by non-surgical measures. However, certain signs of ageing can only be corrected by surgical measures. Facelift surgery often has a bad reputation, as frightening examples in the press unsettle patients. Today, aesthetic surgery can help to restore a natural and youthful facial expression with gentle measures.

The classic facelift: gentle rejuvenation of the face

Duration of the OP
4-5 hours
Follow-up checks after 1, 3, 6 and 12 weeks. Significant swelling and visible bruising for 1 - 2 weeks
after approx. 3-4 weeks
after approx. 3 weeks

What can a modern facelift do?

There are three types of facelift: the forehead lift, the facelift and the neck lift. Strictly speaking, these are three different procedures, but they can and should be combined to varying degrees depending on the initial situation and the patient's expectations.

As the name suggests, the forehead lift mainly affects the area above the eyebrows, the facelift improves the cheek and jaw area and the neck lift concentrates on the neck area. In many cases, a combination of facelift and neck lift is performed, which together is also known as a lower facelift. Conspicuous scars in the facial area are largely avoided today and the use of modern instruments and technologies means that facial areas can be tightened that were either inaccessible or only accessible at great risk just a few years ago.


For further information, please see the bottom of the page. This is where the advantages and disadvantages of the procedures are presented and the risks and side effects are explained. However, this cannot replace a personal consultation (also via video), in which these aspects are explained and adapted individually. We therefore look forward to a personal consultation with you!

Who is it for?

At what age does a facelift make sense? An isolated consideration of age is no longer common today. The ageing of the skin and the sagging of the tissue are very individual factors that are often genetically determined. Many people age visibly from the age of 30 and complain about the consequences, e.g. drooping upper eyelids or sagging cheeks. Other patients, on the other hand, remain young into their fifth or sixth decade and only approach the Rosengarten practice clinic late with their wishes. In this respect, it is not possible to speak of a general age at which a facelift makes sense. Together with you as a patient, we analyse your wishes and ideas and document the initial situation. On this basis, we can then discuss all the available options and make the right choice together with you.


What facelift techniques are there? Over the last 50 years, many different facelift techniques have been described in the literature. Since the founding of Praxisklinik am Rosengarten over ten years ago, we have combined the best aspects of the various techniques to offer you the best that a facelift can be today: effective, natural and safe. We have succeeded in moving the scar from the visible area of the cheeks to the inside of the ear, so that the visibility of the scar has been significantly improved. The scars above the ear, at the hairline and behind the ear have also been optimised so that in many cases you have to look for a long time after a facelift to see a scar at all. No matter which technique a clinic offers, it is always important and crucial for success that not only the skin is tightened and the excess skin removed, but that the underlying layers of tissue are also tightened. The tightening of the deep layers is also known as a deep-plane facelift or SMAS lift. In cases where the tissue is only slightly sagging, a so-called MACS facelift is sometimes sufficient, in which the sagging deeper layers are sutured upwards with so-called duplicate sutures. This can massively reduce the risks of a facelift and achieve a very attractive result if the conditions are right. Modern techniques for better results! Regardless of the technique chosen, it is important to always offer patients the highest level of innovation. The use of laser scalpels or special tissue adhesives can help to optimise the results of facelifts. Special techniques from South America, the USA and Asia have also been learnt at the Praxisklinik am Rosengarten in order to make the results even more effective and long-lasting. How does a facelift work? After appropriate consultation and planning, the operation is performed under a short anaesthetic. Thanks to the many years of experience of our specialists, we need around 3-4 hours for such an operation, as it is not uncommon for other procedures to be combined with a facelift.

After Treatment

After the facelift, you will spend one night in our private inpatient clinic before being picked up by a friend or relative the next morning. The pain after the operation is minimal and you will be able to get up and go to the toilet independently just a few hours after the procedure. When you are discharged, you will receive a special compression girdle from us, which you will need to wear around the clock for seven days to help reduce the swelling. You should refrain from sport and physical activity for about two weeks. Otherwise, you are not restricted in the organisation of your everyday life. How long are the effects visible after a facelift? Other procedures on the body can be easily concealed. Clothing usually conceals bruising and swelling and does not prevent patients from participating normally in life after cosmetic surgery. This is not the case with a facelift, as the consequences of such an operation are always visible to the other person. In most cases, small but visible bruises form and swelling of the face is not uncommon after a facelift. A downtime of at least 2-3 weeks should be sufficient to allow the most visible consequences of a facelift to heal. In any case, it makes sense to schedule the operation for a quiet time of year and to allow sufficient time off to recover and stabilise the result.

Results & risks

When are the results visible after a facelift? As with any aesthetic operation, swelling and bruising occur after the procedure. This is particularly pronounced on the face and means that patients are initially surprised at how swollen their face is the day after the facelift. This swelling only lasts for a few days and improvement occurs quickly. During this phase, you will receive medication from us to help reduce the swelling and promote healing. A final result can only be assessed after three months, although a large part of the healing process is already complete after four to six weeks. In any case, a little patience is required until the final result is visible. How long does a facelift last and can it be repeated? A professionally performed facelift and rejuvenation should last for many years. Of course, the face continues to age even after such an operation and the ageing process leads to a renewed increase in wrinkles over time. A new facelift may be necessary, particularly in the case of genetically determined sagging of the tissue. This is generally possible if the specialist performing the operation is experienced and a professional in their field, as a new facelift requires particular skill.
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