Dr. med. Annika Waldhauser

Dr Annika Waldhauser supports the medical team in Bergisch Gladbach as a specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery with an additional qualification in hand surgery.
Before joining Praxisklinik am Rosengarten, she worked as a senior physician and deputy head physician at the Helios Clinic in Siegburg. She has also specialised in lipoedema surgery in various private clinics.
Dear patients,
My name is Dr Annika Waldhauser and I have been working at Praxisklinik am Rosengarten since August 2021.
Dr Spanholtz and I got to know each other during my specialist training at the Merheim Clinic in Cologne in 2008. In addition to our professional similarities and interests, we also developed a close friendship that continues to this day. Even after our first professional time in Cologne Merheim, we wanted to continue working together, so I am all the more pleased that this has finally become a reality at the Praxisklinik am Rosengarten.
Even at the beginning of my medical studies, I knew that my heart beat for surgery and as I have always loved working creatively, plastic surgery became my professional speciality and at the same time my great passion.
The wishes and needs of patients are always at the centre of my work as a plastic surgeon. Nevertheless, I am also committed to my patients and the truth and will tell you honestly if your ideas cannot be realised or what results can realistically be expected. During treatment, I use the latest and most proven treatment methods and surgical techniques to achieve the best possible results and satisfy my patients.
In addition to my job, I spend a lot of time with my three boys (my husband and our sons), enjoy meeting up with friends, going to concerts, restaurants or relaxing with a round of yoga in the open air.
I look forward to getting to know you in an initial consultation and welcoming you to the Praxisklinik am Rosengarten.
Your Dr Annika Waldhauser
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