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Penis thickening

Penisverdickung mit Eigenfett

Alongside penis enlargement, penis thickening is the most common intimate surgery performed at our clinic. Thanks to our many years of experience, we can achieve a lasting result based on good techniques and thicken the penis sustainably.

Permanent penis thickening with autologous fat

Duration of the OP
1 ½ - 2 hours, in combination with a penis enlargement approx. 2.5 hours
Outpatient operation, rest for 3-4 days, no stitches need to be removed; in connection with penis enlargement or other procedures, please refer to the penis enlargement page. Smoking and any other form of nicotine must be avoided at all costs!
(e.g. invitation to dinner) After approx. 2-3 days
Abstain from sport for 4-6 weeks
abstain from sexual intercourse for approx. 6-8 weeks

In addition to penis enlargement, many patients also want a thicker penis. The reasons are simple: firstly, a thicker penis looks better aesthetically. In addition, it also hangs down more and optimises its length, which is why penis thickening also leads to an increase in penis length. But sexuality is also intensified, as the partner's arousal is mainly due to penis thickness and not so much to penis length. A woman's erogenous zones are located in the area of the external vagina (clitoris) on the one hand and the so-called G-spot on the other. This is only a few centimetres away from the opening of the vagina and is primarily stimulated by the friction of the penis. Logically, a thicker penis causes more intense stimulation here.

All of these reasons combined make penis thickening one of the most common operations in our intimate practice. But how exactly does penis thickening work, can it also be combined with penis enlargement and what are the recovery and downtimes? On this page you will find a lot of information about penis enlargement.

Many colleagues who do not perform male intimate surgery so frequently forget to talk to patients about the glans. This is because if the penis shaft is thickened and the glans retains its original size, the result may not look optimal. That's why we always advise you on both: penis thickening means penis shaft thickening and glans thickening.

Many patients use the moment of penile thickening with autologous fat to have the pubic area (mons pubis) or the abdomen and flanks liposuctioned directly. Such combinations are of course possible and the combination with a penis enlargement is also a frequently chosen option. Please feel free to contact us directly.

In addition to stable penis thickening with autologous fat, we also offer penis thickening with special artificial fillers. When is this option superior? Firstly, there are patients who want a quick solution or want to avoid surgery altogether. For these patients, penis thickening with our stable hyaluronic acid (shelf life approx. 1-2 years) is a good option. Other patients want a permanent penis thickening, but want to try out how they like the thicker penis first. Temporary penis thickening is ideal for this. The treatment can be performed under local anaesthetic on an outpatient basis and no downtime is required. A simple and uncomplicated way to increase penis thickness.


For further information, please see the bottom of the page. This is where the advantages and disadvantages of the procedures are presented and the risks and side effects are explained. However, this cannot replace a personal consultation (also via video), in which these aspects are explained and adapted individually. We therefore look forward to a personal consultation with you!

“The question of penis size, length and thickness has long been a concern for both men and women. Science shows that penis length is definitely a measurable size. For example, a study by King's College London, where Dr. Timo Spanholtz completed part of his training, dealt with the question of penis length. In international comparison, German men are not doing so badly (1).”


(1) ‘Am I normal? A systematic review and construction of nomograms for flaccid and erect penis length and circumference in up to 15,521 men.’ David Veale, Sarah Miles, Sally Bramley, Gordon Muir, and John Hodsoll. Published in BJU International DOI: 10.1111/bju.13010

Who is it for?

Basically, any penis can be thickened as long as we can find fatty tissue that can be suctioned off and used for thickening. This is the case in 99% of cases and we obtain the autologous fat from the abdomen, pubic area, thighs or flanks. This is processed (centrifugation, filtration & enrichment) and transplanted into the penis shaft and glans using a special technique. All men benefit from thickening, even if they already have an above-average thickness. Basically, if you want a thicker penis, we can help you.


The operation is actually divided into three major steps: harvesting the fatty tissue, processing/preparing the fatty tissue and inserting it into the penis shaft or into the penis shaft and glans. In all three steps, the details and the surgeon's experience are very important, as sub-optimal procedures lead to a deterioration in the result. It is therefore essential to consult an experienced clinic for this operation. We use a special injection technique to distribute the fat evenly and largely avoid asymmetries. If you are not circumcised, it is highly advisable to consider whether circumcision can be performed at the same time as the operation. The reason: we cannot thicken the foreskin at the same time, as otherwise you will no longer be able to retract it. Aesthetically, you will benefit greatly from a circumcision and the timing is ideal, as you will have a short anaesthetic anyway. Please feel free to talk to us about this topic. The operation is usually performed under a short anaesthetic to spare you any pain. When you wake up, you will find a loose bandage to protect the penis from pressure.

After the treatment

The pain after penile thickening is minimal. Many patients do not expect this and anticipate intense pain. On a scale of 0-10, most patients rate the pain as 1 or 2 and can therefore be completely ignored in the post-operative phase. The operation can therefore be scheduled as an outpatient, provided you have a driver to take you home after the anaesthetic. This is a legal requirement. There are 3 important basic rules to follow for 8-12 weeks after penis thickening: 1. absolutely avoid pressure on the penis 2. avoid extreme temperatures (swimming pool, sauna, etc.) 3. avoid nicotine If you stick to these rules, you have a good chance of achieving a satisfactory and stable result. An interruption of your work is recommended for 2-3 days, even if you cannot really speak of a real downtime.

Results & Risks

Results and risks of penis thickening? There are actually no serious risks associated with penis thickening, provided the operation has been carried out correctly. Bruising and slight pain can be seen as possible normal consequences of penis thickening, but do not pose any major problems. In uncircumcised patients, there is occasionally an undesirable swelling of the foreskin. This then cannot be retracted for some time. Therefore, circumcision at the same time is highly recommended. The results of penis thickening are good: we usually achieve an increase in circumference of around 3-5 cm during the operation. This is not the final result due to the reduction in swelling and partial resorption of the fatty tissue. The illustration shows the progression of fat loss over time: It is therefore important to realise that the initial result immediately after surgery does not represent the long-term result. Many colleagues state the penis thickening achieved immediately after the operation, thereby creating false expectations. We ask you to come to us with realistic expectations and provide you with comprehensive information.