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Thread lift

Gesichtstraffung ohne OP: Das Fadenlift

Who isn't bothered by them - sagging cheeks, marionette lines or deep nasolabial folds? But a real facelift (face lift) or repeated injections of hyaluronic acid? Isn't there another solution without surgery that promises improvement?

Facelift without surgery: the thread lift

Faltenbehandlung ohne Schnitte


A firm face without surgery: not an option? Yes, this solution finally exists! The thread lift enables minimally invasive skin tightening. A result that is not permanent, but can mean 2-3 years of improvement.

Depending on the type of thread selected, two different effects can be achieved that can be easily combined with each other:

Thin, simple or curly threads are primarily used to improve the quality of the skin. These - usually colorless - threads are inserted superficially into the skin. This has several positive effects: The small injury to the skin triggers a regeneration process. Blood circulation increases and the complexion appears fresher. The breakdown of the thread and the resulting tissue reaction leads to an accumulation of collagen in the tissue over the following months. The skin becomes thicker and the tissue contracts longitudinally. This also results in a secondary lifting effect after a few months. This method also works excellently on thin neck skin and around the eyes, mouth and even lips. Even puffiness in the lower eyelid area, which is difficult to control, can be successfully treated by thickening the skin.

If thicker threads with barbs are used, the aim is to achieve an immediate lifting effect. The threads lie deeper in the skin. Their hooks pull the tissue in the desired direction. This has a positive effect on the overall facial expression: the eyebrows can be lifted, as can the corners of the mouth. Sagging cheeks can also be lifted and the neck tightened. A small local anesthetic is usually applied at the thread insertion site.

Both types of thread can be combined with each other. However, it may be advisable to wait for the skin to thicken before using the hook sutures.

The cost of the procedure depends on the type and quantity of sutures used, but is generally far lower than that of a surgical facelift.

Depending on the thread used and the patient's wishes, up to 8 threads are used in a thread lift. On average, we recommend 2-3 per side of the face. At a cost of around 200 euros per thread, this results in prices that are far below those of surgery. The procedure itself is performed under local anesthesia and on an outpatient basis and, in experienced hands, is rarely asso


For further information, please see the bottom of the page. This is where the advantages and disadvantages of the procedures are presented and the risks and side effects are explained. However, this cannot replace a personal consultation (also via video), in which these aspects are explained and adapted individually. We therefore look forward to a personal consultation with you!

Who is it for?

A thread lift is generally of interest to all patients who complain of sagging tissue in the facial area or are annoyed by drooping eyebrows or a sagging neck. In many cases, we also recommend a surgical procedure as an alternative during the consultation and we can discuss your expectations, concerns and wishes with you as a patient so that we can choose the right procedure.
For all patients who are looking for a non-surgical solution but want a significant change to their aged face, the thread lift is a good alternative. However, it is important to be aware that the effect is only temporary, i.e. after a year the treatment must either be repeated or another form of treatment must be chosen.
An interesting option is to combine the thread lift with other procedures, such as volume augmentation with autologous fat, PRP treatments of the face or peeling treatments of the skin surface.


The procedure for a thread lift is as follows: The procedure must be sterile, which is why we always carry out such a treatment in a procedure room or a small operating theater. The face is cleaned under sterile conditions and then covered (in this respect, the atmosphere is similar to an operation) before the threads are inserted along the previously marked vectors. The entry points of the sutures are anaesthetized, opened by a puncture and the sutures are inserted using a soft, thin tube. If necessary, the skin can be pulled upwards over the suture and tightened as planned.
Finally, the small puncture sites are taped with plasters and, if necessary, the skin is fixed with steristrips (long, skin-colored plasters) for support.
A thread lift at Praxisklinik am Rosengarten takes approx. 60-90 minutes.

After treatment

In the case of facial rejuvenation by thread lifting, the patient's ability to socialize is limited for approx. 7-10 days. The sutures are initially visible under the skin and small bruises may testify to the treatment. It is therefore advisable to take some time off.
Sport should also be avoided for approx. 7-10 days. Otherwise, no special aftercare is required.

Results & risks

Of course, a thread lift cannot be compared to a surgical facelift, i.e. a face lift. The results are more subtle and of course cannot be as extreme, as the skin is not removed but only pushed upwards. In the case of very pronounced findings, we actually recommend a surgical procedure or at least present it to you as an alternative. However, the results of a thread lift are immediately visible and after about a week of recovery, the threads themselves are no longer visible, only the gently and naturally pushed back skin remains. Over a period of approx. 10-15 months, the result is relativized and the skin tension decreases slightly. After approx. 1.5 years, the procedure can either be repeated or another procedure can be considered. We will be happy to advise you on all the options.