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Remove double chin

A double chin does not have to be very pronounced. Sometimes it only becomes visible when you put your head back or look down. Smaller fat pads on the neck do not necessarily have to be surgically removed. There are also non-surgical solutions to remove the double chin.

Remove double chin - without surgery

More pronounced forms of the double chin require surgery. Here too, there are very modern and effective procedures to reduce the fat and tighten the overlying skin in a single session. Smaller fat deposits can also be reduced using a procedure known as lipolysis. This involves a special enzyme that is injected into the fat deposits on the neck, where it takes effect. It destroys the fat cells located there, which can then be removed by the body.

Sagging skin can also be surgically treated with radiofrequency to improve the result.


For further information, please see the bottom of the page. This is where the advantages and disadvantages of the procedures are presented and the risks and side effects are explained. However, this cannot replace a personal consultation (also via video), in which these aspects are explained and adapted individually. We therefore look forward to a personal consultation with you!

Who is it for?

Not all patients with a double chin are suitable for non-surgical treatment. More pronounced forms of double chin must be treated surgically. It is important that the treating doctor has both options available in order to be able to advise his patients in the best possible way. This is the case at Praxisklinik am Rosengarten, as we can offer both non-surgical and surgical procedures.


The treatment consists of several sessions. Firstly, the extent of the fatty tissue is determined and the appropriate amount of lipolysis is injected into the fatty tissue. A total of 3 to 5 injections are carried out at intervals of one week. The resulting sagging skin can then be tightened using a radiofrequency procedure (if necessary). The combined procedure is important, because if only the fat body is dissolved using lipolysis, as many providers propagate, the result is often empty, sagging skin. We treat both aspects at the same time.

After treatment

After each lipolysis treatment, bruising may occur in the neck and décolleté area. The process triggered by lipolysis can also be felt and may cause slight itching or burning. However, there is no impairment of normal everyday and professional life.

Results & risks

The results are very individual, as lipolysis does not dissolve all fat cells equally well. Particularly stubborn fat deposits are often not reached with lipolysis, which is why it is not a competitor to liposuction, but a complementary form of treatment. The extent of fat cell breakdown can therefore not be predicted exactly.


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