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Fat-away injection


In the case of small fat deposits, excess fat can also be dissolved with an enzymatic treatment. Fat removal injections have been an established procedure for years for effectively dissolving small fat deposits without surgery.

Fat away as if by magic: the fat removal injection

Even slim patients suffer from stubborn fat deposits, for example on the lower abdomen, flanks or thighs. Liposuction with today's modern procedures is of course the superior technique for a certain amount of fat. However, smaller fat deposits have been treated very effectively for years with lipolysis, also known as fat removal injections. Here you can find out how lipolysis works and how much the treatment costs.


For further information, please see the bottom of the page. This is where the advantages and disadvantages of the procedures are presented and the risks and side effects are explained. However, this cannot replace a personal consultation (also via video), in which these aspects are explained and adapted individually. We therefore look forward to a personal consultation with you!

Who is it for?

All patients who complain about small annoying fat deposits are suitable. The body mass index should be as normal as possible, i.e. a normal weight. Gender, age or other pre-existing conditions, on the other hand, hardly play a role


The treatment is very simple. After a physical examination, the unwanted fat deposits are identified and marked by our specialist. The area to be treated is then disinfected and the special lipolysis enzyme is introduced into the field depot using fine needles.
This is followed by a manual massage to ensure that the product is well distributed in the tissue. We use a special tape technique to stabilize the treated area for the following days.
Depending on the location and size of the fat deposit, several treatments at four-week intervals may be necessary and advisable to achieve a good result.

After treatment

Occasionally, patients report that they feel a slight overheating in the treated area.Itching or burning may also occur.Pain, however, is not to be expected. The enzyme develops its effect over a period of days, dissolving the large, unstable fat cells and enabling the body to remove them via the lymphatic system.This means that the full effect takes a few weeks: The success of the treatment can be monitored after around twelve weeks.

Results & risks

Occasionally, bruising or other undesirable side effects may disturb the days following treatment. More serious risks or side effects are rarely to be expected. Of course, the effectiveness is individual and we cannot guarantee that the unwanted fat deposits will be reduced to the extent that we would like. Liposuction is sometimes superior for excessively large volumes, but smaller fat deposits also react very differently to injection lipolysis.