International exchange on the topic of facelift

Professional exchange at an international level: Dr. Waldhauser and Dr. Spanholtz meeting facelift experts
"Patients after a facelift should look attractive and fresh - not just younger!" - Dr Timo Spanholtz
Duration of the OP | 3-4 hours |
Aftercare | Swelling and visible bruising for several days, follow-up checks after 1, 3, 6 and 12 weeks |
Sociability | (e.g. invitation to dinner): 2-3 weeks |
Sport | after about 3 weeks |
Pain | medium |
The effects of the natural ageing process on facial skin affect all areas of the face. The decreasing elasticity of the connective tissue, the constant influence of gravity and skin damage caused by factors such as nicotine and UV light lead to a noticeable loss of skin elasticity. This age-related process often leaves behind a tired and sagging appearance.
Conventional tightening techniques focus on the cheeks and neck, but often do not satisfactorily solve the problems in the midface. A detailed analysis of the face is crucial to identify the areas that will benefit most from certain surgical techniques. In many cases, a combination of different techniques is therefore recommended to achieve a balanced result. Find out more about our facelift methods, including the proven SMAS or MACS lift techniques, on our detailed information page.
This page focuses on the midfacelift, also known as the midface lift. Here we explain the technique, the procedure and give you an insight into the expected results of a midface lift.
When we think of a facelift, we often think of the visible scar in the ear area, which indicates the classic incision technique in front of and behind the ear. This method, which includes the SMAS lift, MACS lift and 3D lift, focuses mainly on the cheeks, lower jaw and neck. A useful addition is often the combination with other procedures such as volume augmentation with autologous fat, upper and lower eyelid lifting and a separate neck lift to achieve a harmonious overall appearance. In this way, the lower and lateral parts of the face can be effectively rejuvenated.
However, the classic facelift does not reach the middle third of the face, especially the area below the lower eyelids up to the nasolabial folds. Here, gravity shifts the tissue downwards and lateral tightening is not ideal. The midface lift offers a solution here.
With a midface lift, the procedure is performed exclusively via an incision on the lower eyelid, without a visible scar in the ear area. An identical incision is also used for a lower eyelid lift. The first advantage is therefore an almost invisible scar after healing.
Through this small incision, the lower eyelid is first tightened and the fat under the eye is corrected - another advantage of the midfacelift. The operation is not limited to the lower eyelid area, but also mobilises the tissue downwards (towards the mouth), reaching the nasolabial fold and the corners of the mouth. The central soft tissues of the face are gently lifted and brought into a youthful position. To secure the result in the long term, the tissue layers are fixed to the bone to slow down any further sagging.
Of course, a midfacelift can be combined with various facial rejuvenation procedures such as a peel, eyelid lift, forehead lift or neck lift. The recommended permanent volume build-up using autologous fat transfer improves the quality of the skin.
For further information, please see the bottom of the page. This is where the advantages and disadvantages of the procedures are presented and the risks and side effects are explained. However, this cannot replace a personal consultation (also via video), in which these aspects are explained and adapted individually. We therefore look forward to a personal consultation with you!
Professional exchange at an international level: Dr. Waldhauser and Dr. Spanholtz meeting facelift experts
A facelift makes it possible to reverse the ageing process of the facial skin and give the face an overall younger and fresher appearance.