NEW!!! C-Shot® - Intensified female sexuality & ability to orgasm
Duration of treatment | approx. 60 minutes |
Aftercare | Rest & abstinence for 3-4 days, no sport for 3-4 days |
Sociability | (e.g. invitation to dinner): immediately |
Sport | approx. 3-4 weeks, showering immediately, bathing in chlorinated water after 3-4 days |
Pain | low |
Sexuality | Take a break for 7-10 days |
A woman's sexuality, pleasure and ability to orgasm are based on a complex interplay of different structures and control circuits, such as the clitoris and the G-spot. It is no secret that women experience orgasm less frequently than men. It is also known that the stimulation that leads to pleasure and then (hopefully) to a female orgasm is more complex than is the case for men.
Although many younger women also report a diminished experience during sex, the problem of declining sexual stimulation seems to increase in the second half of life in particular. From the age of 40, many women report a sharp decline in desire and the increasing problem of being able to enjoy sexuality undisturbed and conclude with a reasonable orgasm.
Based on a treatment developed by us (P-Shot Pro®), we have now utilised our many years of experience to enhance the female experience and improve sexuality in the long term. The result of our research is called C-Shot® and C-Shot Pro®, in which specially prepared autologous plasma (PRP) is used. The few other clinics that offer this type of treatment with PRP or autologous plasma refer to it as O-Shot or Orgasm-Shot. Our C-Shot® is a modern, advanced treatment, but is based on the same anatomy and physiology. PRP/autologous plasma also plays a major role for us.
On this page we would like to explain how you too can benefit from the C-Shot® and C-Shot Pro® and what you can expect from the treatment.
For further information, please see the bottom of the page. This is where the advantages and disadvantages of the procedures are presented and the risks and side effects are explained. However, this cannot replace a personal consultation (also via video), in which these aspects are explained and adapted individually. We therefore look forward to a personal consultation with you!
Who is it for?
During the C-Shot® treatment to improve female sexuality, venous blood is first drawn.This is then broken down into its individual components using a special technique (in order to be able to produce the autologous plasma/PRP). This is where the C-Shot® and the C-Shot Pro® differ: in the more intensive P-Shot Pro® variant, the hormones from the blood plasma (autologous plasma/PRP) are supplemented by the hormones from the blood cells.
According to the equation:
Hormone from the plasma (PRP) + hormones from the cells = double the hormone dose
the effect of the C-Shot Pro® is therefore more intensive than with the O-Shot or when using the patient's own plasma PRP alone.
Following the preparation of this hormone solution, the injection is then carried out. The hormone solution is then injected above the clitoris under local anaesthetic (with a local anaesthetic cream or by means of a short local injection anaesthetic) and in certain cases, for example after childbirth or sagging of the vaginal tissue, the injection is also supplemented in the area of the anterior vaginal wall (region of the G-spot) or a Forma-V treatment is offered in combination.
The C-Shot® treatment and the C-Shot Pro® treatment were developed by the Praxisklinik am Rosengarten and are only offered in this form by this clinic.
After treatment
Results & risks
The results therefore only begin with the second injection and continue to develop slowly until they have reached a plateau after around 3 months. The increased blood flow to the clitoris and G-spot is not visible from the outside. If the blood flow to the clitoris is now regularly "demanded", the effect is maintained for many months. It may be useful to repeat the treatment after a year, for example, to further activate the clitoris and G-spot. The aim of the C-Shot® and the C-Shot Pro® is to improve a woman's ability to orgasm and her sense of pleasure. The C-Shot® treatment must therefore be supported by regular stimulation of the intimate zone. In plain language: the improved blood flow to the clitoris and G-spot can only be effective if there is regular sexual activity. Sexual activity during the treatment phase is therefore very important in order to stabilise the effects.