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Labia reduction


Intimate surgery: labia reduction / labiaplasty (labia minoris et majoris)

Duration of the OP
Outpatient operation with a duration of approx. 1 hour, under local anaesthetic, if necessary with. twilight sleep or under short anaesthesia (especially when combined with other procedures)
Outpatient surgery, self-dissolving stitches
Rest for approx. 2-3 weeks
Abstain from sport for approx. 4 weeks
Abstain from sex for approx. 4 weeks

Many women are dissatisfied with the appearance of their intimate area. The labia minora are empty and flaccid, the labia minora hang outwards when standing and the clitoris is covered by excess skin. This can lead to functional impairments, resulting in irritating pain during cycling, sex and sport, among other things. Regardless of whether it is a case of congenital labia enlargement or asymmetry of the labia or whether unwanted changes have occurred due to childbirth and/or tissue sagging with age, intimate surgery is one of the most common requests from our patients.

The reduction and tightening of the labia minora (labiaplasty, labia reduction) is a technically simple procedure with almost invariably good results. Depending on the findings, we have various surgical techniques at our disposal, based on the techniques of Dr Ellsworth (Plastic Surgery Houston, Texa, USA) and the many years of personal experience of our medical team.

We offer you the platform to discuss your problem discreetly from woman to woman and to find a solution together.


For further information, please see the bottom of the page. This is where the advantages and disadvantages of the procedures are presented and the risks and side effects are explained. However, this cannot replace a personal consultation (also via video), in which these aspects are explained and adapted individually. We therefore look forward to a personal consultation with you!

Who is it for?

Labiaplasty is suitable for women of all ages who are unhappy with the appearance of their labia and/or have functional impairments associated with them.


How does a labia reduction work? First, a local anaesthetic cream is applied. Once the incision has been marked, a local anaesthetic is applied using a fine needle (similar to that used at the dentist). From this point onwards, you will no longer feel any pain. The excess tissue can be surgically removed. The haemostasis is performed with a beeping bipolar electric forceps, the sound of which should not irritate you. The area can then be sutured. The mucous membrane in particular tends to swell quickly. To prevent this, keep your legs crossed after the operation and cool the operation area moderately. A proper bandage is not necessary. We recommend wearing a sanitary towel for the next few days. You can be collected by a driver after about 2 hours.

After the treatment

It is important to take it easy after the operation to prevent major swelling. Light cooling in this area is recommended. Heavy lifting, sport and sex should be avoided for 2 weeks. Pain after the operation is rare and you will be fit for everyday life immediately. Depending on your workplace, you should take the entire time off work or combine the post-operative phase with a short holiday. Sutures are not necessary as they are absorbable sutures.

Results & Risks

After the initial decongestant phase, wound healing is usually complete after 2 weeks. The full effect is visible after 3-6 months.