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Hormone analysis for men (andropause)

Hormonanalyse bei Erektionsstörung

There is hardly a more complex system than the human hormone system. The functions are controlled via various axes and a small disruption in the hormone system can have catastrophic consequences. Sexual function and erectile function also require certain hormones in order to function.

Hormone analysis for erectile dysfunction

The human body is controlled by numerous mechanisms. The human hormones are a large and very complex system. They are produced in various glands and control numerous systems in the body. Sex hormones, but also thyroid hormones and many other hormone classes influence our sexual function.

The ageing process of the body brings with it a change in the hormonal situation. In women, this process has been known for a long time and is referred to as the "menopause". But men also go through these changes, for which the term andropause has become established in recent years. It refers to the phase in a man's life in which the change in hormone levels can cause problems in the area of sexuality. But that's not all: the change in the various hormone levels also leads to a lack of motivation, sometimes even to depressive moods and costs those affected a lot of quality of life. Muscle mass decreases, tissue becomes softer and fatty tissue increases. The normal ageing process? You can do something about it!

At the Praxisklinik am Rosengarten, we have been focussing on intimate aesthetics and intimate function for many years. In many ways, a hormone analysis is the first step towards solving the problem. The various hormone classes are measured and compared with the target values for the respective stage of life. It is then possible to react and supply the body with certain substances to replicate hormones and improve metabolic pathways. In some cases, hormones may even be administered directly if they are below a defined level.


For further information, please see the bottom of the page. This is where the advantages and disadvantages of the procedures are presented and the risks and side effects are explained. However, this cannot replace a personal consultation (also via video), in which these aspects are explained and adapted individually. We therefore look forward to a personal consultation with you!

Who is it for?

A hormone analysis is useful for all men with one of the following symptoms
- Decrease in erectile function
- Loss of erection during sexual intercourse
- Decrease in physical performance
- Recurrent tiredness
- Decreasing sexual desire
- Lack of drive
- Hair loss

Age plays a subordinate role here, as the above symptoms can occur in all age groups under certain conditions.


A morning blood sample is sent to a specialised laboratory, where we carry out a hormone analysis and record various laboratory parameters. The results are available after approx. 4-5 days and are translated into a treatment plan.

After treatment

The blood sample only takes a few minutes and should be taken before 10 am. You can have a normal breakfast and do not need to fast for the blood sample.