Glans enlargement without surgery (hyaluron)

In addition to penis thickening and lengthening, the adjustment of the glans (tip of the penis) also plays a role. Many patients would like to have the glans enlarged as part of the penis thickening procedure, while others come to us to have the glans treated separately.
Glans enlargement without surgery
A penis that is too small can affect the enjoyment of sex life, satisfaction with your own body and self-confidence. In addition to the penis shaft, this also affects the size of the glans penis.
Penis thickening with autologous fat usually affects the shaft of the penis. This begins immediately behind the crown of the glans and ends at the base of the penis, where the penis joins the body. A thickening of the entire shaft, as we offer as standard, does not automatically include a thickening of the glans.
For this purpose, the glans is injected with hyaluronic acid or autologous fat. You can find all information about glans thickening on this page.
There are several reasons for glans enlargement with hyaluronic acid. Firstly, there are aesthetic indications, i.e. there is a disproportion between the shaft and the glans and the patient wants the glans to be adapted to the shaft.
The second indication is hypersensitivity of the glans. The affected men reach orgasm more quickly due to a very pronounced nerve function and want a reduction in sensitivity, which can be accompanied by an enlargement of the glans. Irritability can be reduced and orgasm can be delayed for longer.
For further information, please see the bottom of the page. This is where the advantages and disadvantages of the procedures are presented and the risks and side effects are explained. However, this cannot replace a personal consultation (also via video), in which these aspects are explained and adapted individually. We therefore look forward to a personal consultation with you!
Who is it for?
This is a justified wish that we want to fulfil with a targeted glans enlargement. A good state of health is a prerequisite for glans enlargement. The patient must not be taking any blood-thinning medication.
It is often advisable to first try a temporary treatment with hyaluronic acid, as autologous fat augmentation is permanent. We have also had very good experiences with the combination of autologous fat and hyaluronic acid.
After treatment
Bathing should also be avoided for a few days. Showering is permitted again after the procedure. You will also be able to work, but you should wait up to two weeks before engaging in sporting activities.
Results & risks
However, the glans is generally more difficult to thicken than the shaft of the penis. Expectations should therefore not be too high. The more extreme the blood flow to the glans is, the faster the added volume is reduced again. Glans enlargement is therefore less intensive and shorter-lasting than penis enlargement, which is why the procedure needs to be repeated more often.