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Wrinkle treatments with autologous fat

Faltenbehandlungen mit Eigenfett

Would you like to get rid of annoying wrinkles and rejuvenate your face? And you may also suffer from annoying fat deposits? Why not liposuction the unwanted fat and "recycle" it for something useful? Liposuction with autologous fat transfer makes it possible.

Wrinkle treatment using autologous fat transfer

Duration of the OP
Depending on the area of the areas to be suctioned and the recipient region, >1 h
Rest, avoidance of pressure, cold, heat, nicotine, sport for 8 weeks, wearing of compression underwear for 8 weeks, suture removal, if necessary, after 7-10 days
Depending on the operation. A few days to approx. 2 weeks
possible after approx. 8 weeks

Lipofilling / autologous fat transfer


The first step in autologous fat transfer, also known as lipofilling or fat grafting, is to liposuction unwanted fatty tissue from problem areas and prepare it for transfer. A major advantage of this treatment is that you donate your own fat and have it removed from your stomach or hips, for example.

The liposuctioned fat is then purified, filtered and processed. Small amounts of fatty tissue can be harvested (for example, if a facial wrinkle treatment, lipofilling of a scar or a dent is planned) or larger amounts if, for example, a breast augmentation with autologous fat or a Brazilian butt lift (butt augmentation) is planned.

After preparation, the fatty tissue is embedded in the desired areas of the body in a fan shape using small cannulas. For lipofilling, your own fatty tissue must be used, even if there are certainly plenty of donors in your circle of friends.

The transplanted fat cells are dependent on a blood supply in the new environment. The growth rate varies from person to person and depends on several factors. Depending on the recipient region, it is 30-70%. The phenomenal thing about this technique is that the healing fat tissue remains in place for a lifetime and the effects last forever! And all without the use of exogenous materials. Only your own fat!

With lipotransfer, we use 0% artificial materials and 100% autologous tissue. In addition, the body's own fat can be enriched with PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) to further improve the effect of the autologous fat and the healing rate. The Lipofilling Pro, so to speak.

A further advantage of autologous fat transfer is the volumising effect to fill wrinkles and the rejuvenating effect: the quality of the skin is visibly improved - blemishes and coarse-pored skin, for example, are reduced. In contrast to pure hyaluronic acid injections for wrinkle treatment, the injected fatty tissue is partially and permanently retained, i.e. it does not break down and therefore represents a permanent solution, meaning that the costs of a lipotransfer are quickly amortised compared to hyaluronic acid injections. The autologous fat transfer can be repeated to achieve an even better result.

The autologous fat treatment for wrinkle improvement therefore not only offers wrinkle reduction but also a regenerative component and is therefore an absolute super weapon against wrinkles, apart from the advantage that annoying fat pads can be removed directly and thus 2 birds can be killed with one stone


For further information, please see the bottom of the page. This is where the advantages and disadvantages of the procedures are presented and the risks and side effects are explained. However, this cannot replace a personal consultation (also via video), in which these aspects are explained and adapted individually. We therefore look forward to a personal consultation with you!

An innovative method to reduce annoying wrinkles and give the face a younger, fresher appearance - just like coming back from a long spa holiday

Who is it for?

For all patients who want a volumising treatment such as injecting the nasolabial fold or the jawline and at the same time want an improvement in skin quality. However, large volumes such as breast augmentation with autologous fat or butt augmentation with autologous fat are also great options for autologous fat transfer. If you are a heavy smoker, you must stop smoking before the operation, otherwise the autologous fat will not heal properly. Of course, you will also need some of your own fat, so you must not be too thin!


Low-risk, low-pain procedure that can be performed under local or general anaesthetic, on an outpatient or inpatient basis, depending on the extent of the procedure. Please note: As "only" +/- 50% of the fat inserted heals, it is necessary to overcorrect slightly (i.e. insert more fat than is apparently necessary) so that the result is as desired at the end of the healing period.

After Treatment

The transplanted fat cells must first adapt to their new environment. Regardless of whether large amounts of fat (as in breast augmentation with autologous fat or Brazilian butt lift) or small amounts (wrinkle treatment) have been transplanted: the fat cells always need a few weeks until they have stably grown into their new neighbourhood. The following points should be avoided at all costs for 8 weeks immediately after the operation, as they can prevent the fat cells from healing: Cold: for example, when swimming in a cold pool Heat/heat - such as when taking a sauna or in a warm whirlpool/bathtub Pressure: such as when lying or sitting on the recipient site Nicotine: smoking must generally be avoided Intense sport Diets

Results & risks

The final result can only be conclusively assessed after 3-6 months, as swelling and haematomas must first be reduced and the skin must also regenerate
Risks of the operation can include infection, encapsulation, overfilling, resorption of the fat, injury to neighbouring structures, haematomas, fat embolisms or granulomas.