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Butt augmentation without surgery

A beautiful and round bottom, as we so often see in the media, is considered the ideal of beauty today. Not only can butt augmentation surgery bring you closer to this goal, there are also non-surgical techniques for enlarging the buttocks, which, performed under local anesthesia, lead to a round and shapely bottom.

Butt augmentation without surgery

When it comes to butt augmentation, the first thing patients think of is the transfer of their own fatty tissue in the form of a classic BBL (Brazilian butt lift) or the augmentation of the buttocks using special implants. Both options are good ways to achieve a round and shapely bottom, but both involve surgery.

As an alternative to these surgical techniques, we also offer buttock augmentation without surgery at the Rosengarten Clinic. Special fillers are used for this, which can be inserted into the buttocks under local anesthesia to naturally enlarge them.

A product that you are familiar with from facial volume enhancement is used for this: Hyaluronic acid. However, buttock augmentation without surgery is not a technique using normal hyaluronic acid, as special products are used that have been developed for this purpose. These so-called body fillers have the perfect consistency to fill the tissue on the buttocks without being palpable afterwards. They are also characterized by greater stability and enable longer-lasting results.


For further information, please see the bottom of the page. This is where the advantages and disadvantages of the procedures are presented and the risks and side effects are explained. However, this cannot replace a personal consultation (also via video), in which these aspects are explained and adapted individually. We therefore look forward to a personal consultation with you!

Who is it for?

Non-surgical buttock augmentation is intended for all patients who lack volume in their buttocks and would like a rounder and fuller buttocks.
Non-surgical buttock augmentation is generally used for two reasons: firstly, there are patients who first want to know whether they like buttock augmentation before deciding on a permanent procedure. The second group shies away from surgery and would like a procedure without extensive surgery. For this group, too, buttock augmentation without surgery is therefore ideal.
A special case are patients who want a buttock augmentation but have too little fatty tissue to achieve this with their own fatty tissue. The only option now is an implant or a butt augmentation with fillers (hyluronic acid).


Treatment is carried out in the prone position. The areas where the volume is missing are marked beforehand. A small area in the operating room is then anesthetized, through which a fine tube is inserted. This procedure is usually very painless. The planned amount of filler is then inserted through this tube and the small hole is closed again and covered with a plaster.
The treatment takes about 60 minutes and can be performed on an outpatient basis. This means that you can be discharged straight home after the butt augmentation.

After treatment

Immediately after a buttock augmentation without surgery, you should not sit and avoid putting too much pressure on the buttocks. It would therefore be advisable to bring a special seat cushion with you on the way home to keep the buttocks free of pressure. For a few days, you should avoid putting pressure on the buttock region so that the filler can be evenly distributed in the target area. Sport should also be avoided for a few days. The pain in the phase after the procedure can be described as very mild.

Results & risks

The results after a butt augmentation without surgery can be seen immediately, as the filler takes effect straight away. In the days following the treatment, the filler absorbs some more water, which changes the result slightly for the better.
Overall, a shelf life of around twelve months can be assumed. Degradation then begins slowly, which means that the volume of the buttocks may decrease over the following months. How quickly this process progresses and when it begins depends on many individual factors and cannot be predicted in detail.


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