Excessive sweating - hyperhidrosis

If you suffer from hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), there are various treatment options to reduce sweating.
Treating heavy sweating
Dauer der OP | ca. 1 ½ Stunden |
Nachsorge | ambulante Operation (Sie können zu Hause schlafen!), Schonung für 3-4 Tage, Fadenentfernung nach 5-10 Tagen, Belassen des Verbandes für 7 Tage |
Gesellschaftsfähigkeit | (z.B. Einladung zum Dinner): 1-2 Tage |
Sport | ca. 2 Wochen |
Schmerzen | mittel |
Excessive sweating in the armpits and on the palms of the hands can be very annoying in everyday life, as it impairs the wearing of certain items of clothing on the one hand and the careless use of the hands on the other. It can also put a strain on the psyche.
Sweating is actually a natural reaction of the body to regulate temperature, i.e. to cool down in high outside temperatures or during exercise. It protects the body from overheating. Sweating is also a normal reaction to tension.
For some people, however, this sweat production is excessive and is perceived as very unpleasant and stigmatizing, as excessive sweating is still considered unhygienic.
If you suffer from hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), there are various treatment options to reduce sweating.
Botulinum toxin A is normally used to treat small muscles in the face to suppress the formation of wrinkles. However, the medication also has a second effect: it paralyzes the activity of the sweat glands and thus suppresses the formation of the annoying sweat secretion. During the treatment, deposits of botulinum toxin are injected into the skin through approx. 15-20 small punctures, which paralyze the glands located there and bring sweat production to a standstill within a few days. Before the treatment, the armpit can be locally anaesthetized with a special ointment. The treatment itself then only takes a few minutes and you can leave our clinic immediately. After 3-4 days, sweat production will stop and you will finally have dry armpits. The effect lasts for approx. 3-6 months and is therefore particularly suitable for the summer months. The treatment can be repeated regularly.
Do you want a definitive solution and want to get rid of excessive underarm sweating for good? Then minimally invasive sweat gland suction is an option for you.
For further information, please see the bottom of the page. This is where the advantages and disadvantages of the procedures are presented and the risks and side effects are explained. However, this cannot replace a personal consultation (also via video), in which these aspects are explained and adapted individually. We therefore look forward to a personal consultation with you!