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Correction of the mons veneris

Korrektur des Venushügels

Correction of the mons veneris (mons pubis)

The somewhat outdated term mons pubis, like the term mons veneris, refers to the area at the transition from the lower abdomen to the vagina. This is hairy skin (which is usually shaved nowadays) with stable, firm subcutaneous fatty tissue. Weight fluctuations and / or pregnancies can lead to increased storage of fat in the lipocytes (fat cells) in this region. In tight trousers, bikinis and dresses, the enlarged mound of Venus may show up disturbingly on clothing. Many women find this annoying. Once fat deposits have accumulated, they cannot be reduced by diet or exercise and restrict women in their choice of clothing and their sexual experience.

The solution may be to reduce the fatty tissue in the area of the mons pubis. Our clinic has a special liposuction technique which, in addition to liposuction, also tightens the skin. This is done with the help of high-energy radiofrequency pulses, which tighten the skin by shrinking the collagen and elastin fibres while the underlying fatty tissue is suctioned out and thus removed.

In a consultation with our team, you will discuss the available techniques and details of the operation.


For further information, please see the bottom of the page. This is where the advantages and disadvantages of the procedures are presented and the risks and side effects are explained. However, this cannot replace a personal consultation (also via video), in which these aspects are explained and adapted individually. We therefore look forward to a personal consultation with you!

Who is it for?

The procedure is suitable for patients of all ages who want to reduce an annoying fat deposit on the mons pubis or excess skin in this area.


Once the local anaesthetic has been injected, the anaesthetic solution is introduced via a small puncture, which releases the fat cells of the mons veneris from their bond and prepares them for liposuction. The suction cannula is then inserted through a small incision of around 5 mm and the excess fat is suctioned out. If necessary, this is followed by tightening using state-of-the-art radiofrequency or high-definition liposuction with the ArgonPlasma device. Both techniques tighten the skin without visible, long scars.

After the treatment

After the operation, compression garments should be applied to the treated areas and worn for 3-6 weeks. After the initial wound healing, the suture material can be removed after 14 days. Overall, the recovery period is 1 week and the time to results is 10-12 weeks.

Results & Risks

The final result (complete decongestion) can be seen after about 3 - 6 months