Scrotum lift

Tightening the sagging scrotum is an operation that many men do not initially have on their agenda when they come to us for an intimate surgery consultation. Nevertheless, it is an exciting and safe technique for penis enlargement and genital rejuvenation.
Scrotum lift: part of male intimate surgery
Duration of the OP | 1 – 2 hours |
Aftercare | Inpatient operation, rest for approx. 5-7 days, suture removal not required (self-dissolving sutures) |
Sociability | after approx. 5-6 days |
Sport | after approx. 4 weeks |
Pain | medium |
The scrotum is also known medically as the scrotum and is a pocket of skin outside the body. It contains the plum-sized testicles. The scrotum is also permeated by muscle fibres that contract or smooth the skin to regulate the temperature. This keeps the temperature in the testicles at a constant 34 to 35 degrees Celsius so that the sperm can continue to function properly. The scrotum therefore plays a not insignificant role.
Reason enough to also consider the scrotum in the field of intimate surgery. This is because the scrotum can sag with age or due to genetic predisposition. Excess skin can also cause the scrotum to sag.
But this is not only visually distressing for those affected. It can also cause unpleasant friction when wearing tight clothing.
Two main goals are pursued by tightening the sagging scrotum:
- Lifting the testicles that hang way down, as this sagging scrotum causes the male genitalia to look ‘old’ and ‘flabby’.
- Together with the removal of excess scrotal skin, this rejuvenates the genitals.
- The correction of the so-called Hodel sail (see below) leads to a visual lengthening of the penis.
In addition to the first two goals, a scrotum lift can also help to lengthen the penis. How can this be? The testicles are located on the underside of the penis and extend into the area between the testicles and the anus, the so-called perineum. The front attachment of the testicles can be anchored relatively far forward on the penis. The skin then stretches out like a kind of sail, especially when erect. This excess skin, also known as ‘penile webbing’ or testicular sail, hangs like a ‘turkey neck’ on the underside of the penis and conceals the natural length of the penis in this position. Removal is therefore not only an aesthetic gain, but also has a positive effect on length.
We call this image the scrotal webbing, as the skin stretches out like a sail between the penis and testicles. This condition is also known in English-speaking countries as ‘penile webbing’ and is now frequently corrected worldwide by means of minor surgery.
The reason for the success of the operation: although the penis (shaft) is actually a good length, the skin at the front disguises the true length of the penis and makes it appear shorter.
For further information, please see the bottom of the page. This is where the advantages and disadvantages of the procedures are presented and the risks and side effects are explained. However, this cannot replace a personal consultation (also via video), in which these aspects are explained and adapted individually. We therefore look forward to a personal consultation with you!