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Raising hanging corners of the mouth

Hängender Mundwinkel

A drooping corner of the mouth gives the face an unattractive appearance. It makes you look sceptical and grim and is often accompanied by the unsightly marionette line that runs from the corner of the mouth towards the chin.

There are various ways to lift the corner of the mouth. These include, for example, tightening thread lifts and surgical procedures to permanently lift the corners of the mouth.

Drooping corners of the mouth - Raising the corners of the mouth to improve facial expression.

Duration of the OP
Thread lift: 30-45 minutes Surgical treatment: approx. 45-60 minutes
Outpatient treatment, avoid going to the solarium or sauna for 2 weeks, suture removal after 1 week if necessary
Thread lift: after 3-5 days Surgical treatment: after 5-7 days
Sport is permitted again after approx. 2 weeks

As part of the ageing process, tissue sinks downwards due to gravity. On the face, this particularly affects the eyebrows and upper eyelids, but the volume of the cheeks also moves downwards and forms the so-called nasolabial fold between the nose and upper lip. Further to the side, tissue moves towards the chin and causes the marionette wrinkle between the corner of the mouth and the chin. The corner of the mouth itself can also move downwards, giving the mouth a grim and sceptical expression.

In plastic surgery, there are various ways to correct drooping corners of the mouth. The simplest solution is to lift the corner of the mouth using a thread inserted into the skin. This technique is also known as a thread lift or thread lift. As many patients want a permanent solution, we also offer a surgical option for lifting the corners of the mouth at the Klinik am Rosengarten practice.


For further information, please see the bottom of the page. This is where the advantages and disadvantages of the procedures are presented and the risks and side effects are explained. However, this cannot replace a personal consultation (also via video), in which these aspects are explained and adapted individually. We therefore look forward to a personal consultation with you!

Who is it for?

Correction of the corner of the mouth is suitable for all patients who wish to raise the lateral corner of the mouth to a neutral position. Lifting to a "positive", slightly upward position is also possible.


The corner of the mouth lift can be performed under local anaesthetic or under short anaesthesia, especially if other treatments are to be performed at the same time, which is often the case, e.g. in combination with an upper eyelid lift and wrinkle treatment with autologous fat. Other common combinations include a bullhorn lift, autologous fat transfer, a neck lift with MyEllevate or other facial rejuvenation procedures. To lift the corner of the mouth, a small incision is made on both sides of the so-called lip red and the drooping corner of the mouth is mobilised, pulled upwards with a fine suture and fixed in place.

After Treatment

In the first few days after the treatment, the consequences are of course visible and you should plan a certain period of rest. After about two weeks, you will be socially acceptable again, for example if you wear make-up to conceal the fresh scar. Slight swelling in the area of the upper lip is possible, but only lasts for a few days. When healing the scar, it is important to ensure that no intensive UV radiation disturbs or hinders this process. For this reason, the sun should be avoided after the operation or effective sun protection should be used in the area of the scar. The non-dissolvable stitches are removed after about ten days in our clinic. No further special aftercare is required.

Results & risks

The corner of the mouth can be lifted relatively reliably with this treatment and the excess skin on the upper lip can be removed effectively and permanently. In many cases, a combination with other treatments is recommended, such as filling the marionette lines or tightening the upper lip with a Bull Horn treatment. In a consultation, we will analyse the situation on your face together with you and discuss all the available options with you.