
Many men suffer from a loss of erectile function as they get older. Various treatments can help to improve erectile function. One scientifically proven therapy is shockwave treatment.
Shock wave treatment (Shock Wave) to improve the erection
Erectile function decreases in the course of life. There are many reasons for this. Even young men in their twenties and thirties can suffer from a decline in erectile function. For many years, the Am Rosengarten Practice Clinic has been working on the question of how the blood flow to the erectile tissue and the function of the erection can be sustainably and powerfully improved.
We have developed various treatments for this purpose, which we often offer in combination. An important component of these treatments is shock wave therapy. High-energy impulses are transmitted through the skin to the erectile tissue, where they loosen calcifications in the blood vessels. This allows the blood vessels to be better supplied with blood again. More blood enters the erectile tissue, which stabilises and intensifies the erection.
For further information, please see the bottom of the page. This is where the advantages and disadvantages of the procedures are presented and the risks and side effects are explained. However, this cannot replace a personal consultation (also via video), in which these aspects are explained and adapted individually. We therefore look forward to a personal consultation with you!
Who is it for?
The small calcifications in the capillaries are broken up by these energy waves and can thus be removed from the body. The small vessels are better supplied with blood again and can transport more arterial blood to the erectile tissue.
The perfect combination is the combined application with the P-Shot® or the P-Shot® pro. These treatments can also form new, fully intact vessels that bring more blood to the erectile tissue.