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Bauchdeckenstraffung / Abdominoplastik

Tummy tuck / abdominoplasty

Duration of the OP
2 – 4 hours
Inpatient surgery, rest for 2 weeks, suture capping after 3 weeks, avoidance of carrying heavy loads for 3 months, wearing a bodice for 8-12 weeks
(e.g. invitation to dinner): approx. 7-14 days
approx. 12 weeks
Medium to intensive

A tummy tuck is performed when excess skin is perceived as disturbing or unsightly. A decrease in body weight, pregnancy or weak connective tissue can lead to a skin apron.

A tummy tuck allows the skin to adapt to the new body shape. The procedure is not used to reduce fat, but in almost all cases it is performed in combination with liposuction.

A ‘simple’ removal of excess abdominal skin, as offered by many colleagues, is not sufficient in our opinion. Several things must be taken into account during a tummy tuck in order to achieve an optimal result. The transitions to the neighbouring regions must be actively modelled and the excess fatty tissue on the flanks and in the upper abdomen must not be neglected.

A tummy tuck is therefore a combination of liposuction, skin removal, muscle tightening and body modelling.
At the Praxisklinik am Rosengarten, we operate on you with the aim of modelling all structures in a youthful and firm manner by means of a tummy tuck. This involves tightening the abdominal muscles in depth (rectus diastasis), modelling the waist and removing excess skin. This combination can only be achieved by experienced hands and with the necessary technical equipment, but is necessary to achieve an optimal result.

Mini abdominoplasty/mini tummy tuck

Mini abdominoplasty is used for patients who have excess skin mainly in the lower abdominal area. These are often slim patients who have had a caesarean section and have a small amount of excess skin in the lower abdomen.

In mini-abdominoplasty or partial abdominoplasty, the lower abdomen is therefore increasingly tightened. It can only be considered as an alternative to abdominoplasty if no skin tightening is required in the area above the navel.


For further information, please see the bottom of the page. This is where the advantages and disadvantages of the procedures are presented and the risks and side effects are explained. However, this cannot replace a personal consultation (also via video), in which these aspects are explained and adapted individually. We therefore look forward to a personal consultation with you!

Who is it for?

When is the right time for a tummy tuck? Once you have completed your weight loss, we can remove any remaining fat deposits (liposuction), tighten the abdominal wall and reposition the navel. Smaller fat pads are not a problem as they are removed during the same operation. However, basic weight loss or reduction should precede the operation. This is not least because the majority of abdominal fat lies deep in the abdomen and can only be reduced by losing weight, but not by a tummy tuck or liposuction. Whether you already have children or are still in the family formation phase does not play a major role. It is advisable to wait until the last child has been born. In principle, however, another pregnancy is possible even after a tummy tuck.


How is an abdominoplasty performed? We usually start with a 360° liposuction (liposuction), which we like to combine with a tightening to achieve an optimal result. This includes the flanks, upper abdomen and also the thighs if they are affected by excess fatty tissue. During the actual tummy tuck, the skin is then detached from the muscle fascia. This requires an incision above the pubic bone from iliac crest to iliac crest. The belly button is cut and returned to its former position in a new, tapered form. The muscles (rectus diastasis) and the abdominal skin are then tightened. This is followed by fine intracutaneous suturing with self-dissolving sutures, the most time-consuming step. The skin areas pulled downwards are sutured to the lower abdominal incision.

After the treatment

The abdominoplasty is performed under general anaesthetic. In addition, thin drains (tubes) are inserted to drain the wound water. For this reason, you will always stay with us overnight at the Rosengarten Clinic. The compression garments must be worn for eight to twelve weeks and are customised to your individual measurements. Light physical activities such as walking or everyday movements are possible again just 1-2 days after the tummy tuck. More intensive sports such as jogging or going to the gym should only be resumed after 8-12 weeks. A light and calorie-reduced diet is important in the post-operative phase. However, the substances required for wound healing should be supplied by special dietary supplements, for example. Please make absolutely sure that you stop smoking (e.g. cigarettes) 1-2 weeks before your tummy tuck and do not smoke for at least 4 weeks during the healing phase after the operation, as this severely impairs wound healing and scarring.

Results & Risks

As a tummy tuck is a surgical procedure, undesirable consequences and complications can occur. However, these are usually manageable. These include, for example The occurrence of wound water: We prevent this problem, also known as seroma, by using drains in the abdominal area. If wound fluid does form, we can puncture it as part of the follow-up care. Circulatory and wound healing disorders that lead to visible scars: We counteract this with a suitable compression bandage. We also offer you information and support with scar care after a tummy tuck. Of course, we will inform you about possible risks in a detailed consultation. We are also always available to answer any questions you may have about our treatments.