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Penis enlargement


Penis enlargement

Duration of the OP
1 ½ - 2 hours
Self-dissolving sutures, independent distraction treatment
abstain from sexual intercourse for approx. 3-4 weeks, do not smoke for 8 weeks
Rest for 2-3 weeks and avoid sport

The question of penis size, penis length and penis thickness has long preoccupied both men and women. Science shows that penis length is definitely a measurable variable. For example, a study by King College London, where Dr Timo Spanholtz also completed part of his training, looked at the question of penis length. In an international comparison, German men are not doing so badly.

Nevertheless, many men are concerned with the question of penis shape, penis size and penis length. A well-formed penis contributes to a man's self-confidence. Conversely, a penis that is perceived as too small can cause enormous psychological pressure.

We would like to inform you here in a serious but brief and concise manner about the reasons for penis enlargement and the procedure for penis enlargement surgery.


It is important to first differentiate between penis enlargement and penis thickening. Both together result in penis enlargement. As both lead to more size, they are often performed in combination. In scientific terms, this is also referred to as penis augmentation.

Many inexperienced surgeons may only pay attention to one of the aspects. This can lead to a disappointing result, which is why we at the Praxisklink am Rosengarten look at the overall picture of penis enlargement:

  • An increase in length of 2-4 cm
  • An increase in girth of approx. 2-3 cm.

Again and again you will find doctors' statements that are significantly higher than these values! Why is this the case and who is right? The answer is simple: at the time of penis enlargement (i.e. during the operation), a more intensive increase in length is achieved, but this can decrease in the post-operative phase due to scarring. Thus, a result of INITIAL 5.5 cm length gain often becomes a result of 4 cm length gain within a few weeks. We always communicate the final length because we believe this is important for you. Some other colleagues, on the other hand, state the INITIAL size and, from our point of view, raise exaggerated expectations.

What does all this mean for your penis size? If the penis has an erection length of less than 12 cm before the penis enlargement operation, we cannot help you achieve an average length. Both parties have to be realistic here and it is important to us not to make any false promises. Nevertheless, you will get a clearly visible increase in size (length and diameter):

  • Penis enlargement-before-after: Using an example, this means that if you have a penis length of 8 cm before the operation and a penis length of 11.5 cm after the penis enlargement, this corresponds to about 1/3 more length! A result that is definitely ‘something to be proud of’.
  • Penis enlargement before and after (2): If your penis is already in the lower normal range with an erection length of over 12 cm before the operation, we can achieve a very beautiful and satisfactory result with the help of our surgical technique.

For further information, please see the bottom of the page. This is where the advantages and disadvantages of the procedures are presented and the risks and side effects are explained. However, this cannot replace a personal consultation (also via video), in which these aspects are explained and adapted individually. We therefore look forward to a personal consultation with you!

“The question of penis size, length and thickness has long been a concern for both men and women. Science shows that penis length is definitely a measurable size. For example, a study by King's College London, where Dr. Timo Spanholtz completed part of his training, dealt with the question of penis length. In international comparison, German men are not doing so badly (1).”


(1) ‘Am I normal? A systematic review and construction of nomograms for flaccid and erect penis length and circumference in up to 15,521 men.’ David Veale, Sarah Miles, Sally Bramley, Gordon Muir, and John Hodsoll. Published in BJU International DOI: 10.1111/bju.13010

Who is it for?

If you are worried about your penis size or girth or feel insecure during sexual intercourse, a penis enlargement is a good way to gain self-confidence. However, the prerequisite is that you are physically fit.


How is penis enlargement performed? For a more precise description of the operation, a distinction must be made between penis enlargement and penis thickening. For penis enlargement, it is important to know that a large part of a man's penis length is hidden inside the body. The external penis therefore only represents a ‘portion’ of the true length. The penis is held back by a 3-dimensional ligamentous apparatus, which also includes the so-called suspensory ligaments (ligamentum suspensorium). The suspensory ligaments can be released via a small (3cm) incision at the base of the penis, allowing the penis shaft to be pulled forwards and outwards. This visibly increases the length of the penis. Penis lengthening requires years of experience in order to prevent the penis from retracting during the healing phase and to professionally and permanently apply the internal restructuring of the retaining ligaments. Post-treatment by means of distraction is an important measure for long-term success. In many cases, our patients not only want a penis enlargement, but also a penis thickening. Therefore, in order to achieve a satisfactory overall result, the penis circumference is also increased afterwards. If the penis is to be thickened using the patient's own fat, we suction some of the patient's own fat (autologous fat transfer) from the abdomen, thighs or flanks and transfer this to the penis shaft. The fat is subjected to very special processing and, if desired, enriched with PRP/stem cell serum to improve the healing of the fat. As we also perform breast augmentations and Brazilian butt lifts using autologous fat transfer, we have extensive experience with this technique and can demonstrate very consistent and satisfactory results.

After the treatment

What to consider after penis enlargement. After penis enlargement, the small wound must first heal. We use self-dissolving suture material so that it is not necessary to remove the stitches. After a rest period of about one week, you should perform a stretching treatment in the morning and evening with the distractor that you receive from us during the operation. This follow-up treatment is important in order to maintain the result after penis lengthening. If distraction is not possible during the day, you can also use the night to wear the distractor. We usually use the Phallosan Forte distractor for this purpose. You can obtain this from us at the clinic and take it home with you after the penis enlargement operation together with instructions. You should avoid sexual intercourse for about 3 weeks, but are otherwise not restricted much. Scar care can be carried out with Scarcare® scar care (, for example. After penis thickening, there are also some important rules to ensure the result: pressure on the penis must be avoided for a total of 8 weeks (tight trousers, sex, etc.). In addition, the penis should not be exposed to extreme temperatures (swimming in cold water, sauna, etc.) and extreme spikes in blood pressure (sport) should be avoided. In smokers, the healing of the fatty tissue is massively impaired: you must therefore avoid cigarettes and nicotine in any form for at least 8 weeks!

Results & Risks

As penis lengthening surgery is performed under general anaesthetic, it carries the low risks of anaesthesia. In addition, swelling or post-operative bleeding may occur after the operation. However, these can be avoided if you observe the recovery time and follow Dr Spanholtz's recommendations. Before the procedure, we will also inform you about all possible risks and advise you after the procedure on what you should pay attention to.