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P-Shot® and P-Shot Pro®

P-Shot® - Natürliche Behandlung zur Verbesserung der männlichen Sexualfunktion.

Many men suffer from erectile dysfunction, flaccid erections or impaired sexual arousal. This problem, also known as erectile dysfunction, not only affects men in the second half of life, but can also occur in young men. There are a variety of treatment options that promise to improve erections. One very gentle treatment originally comes from the USA. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) was first used there as a so-called P-Shot® to improve the function of the erectile tissue. On this page you can find out all about the P-Shot® and the even more intensive P-Shot® pro.

P-Shot® - Natural treatment to improve male sexual function.


The entire treatment is based on the use of so-called Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), which serves as the starting substance for the P-Shot®. This is obtained from a small blood sample from your vein. The blood is purified and centrifuged in a special process before the PRP is available. As it is a product from your own blood, the P-Shot® can be described as 100% natural.

During this intimate treatment, growth hormones and enzymes from the blood unfold their effect and improve erectile function. 



The effects of P-Shot® treatment can be varied, but must be considered individually for each man. Basically, the P-Shot® treatment is aimed at men who want to enlarge their penis and improve its function. The observed effects are

  • Enlargement of the penis by maximising blood flow
  • Strengthening of the erectile tissue
  • Improved blood flow and oxygen supply to the penis
  • Intensification of the sexual experience
  • Compensation of differences in thickness during erection

Sounds good to you? Try this low-risk treatment and see for yourself how it affects your body. Make an appointment at our consultation centre.

The P-Shot® Pro works with a further development of PRP, the serum EdS. The basis of the technique is also your own blood - the therapy is also 100% natural. In contrast to the use of PRP (as with the standard P-Shot), the preparation of your blood takes a little more time. The blood is filled into special tubes containing, among other things, very fine glass beads with a rough surface. Contact with the glass surface activates the hormones in the PRP particularly strongly. The activity of the PRP is further increased by incubation for six hours at 37 degrees.

The blood is then centrifuged to isolate the particularly effective EdS. This contains many times the regeneration factors of PRP, is cell-free and has both an anti-inflammatory and strongly regenerative effect. Just a few weeks after application, an increase in collagen and stem cells can be detected in the treated tissue area. The effect of EdS causes new blood vessels to form in the area of the penis root, which can supply the erectile tissue with more blood. The effects are significantly stronger than with the normal P-Shot®.

The procedure has been used since 1998 to treat joint pain, nerve pain in the spine and muscle and tendon injuries. The application for erectile dysfunction is a completely new approach. The initial results at our clinic are very promising.

As it is made exclusively from the body's own material without additives, the treatment is low-risk and does not cause any intolerance. The P-Shot® Pro can be used as an initial treatment, but also as a second treatment after preparation with the conventional P-Shot®.


For further information, please see the bottom of the page. This is where the advantages and disadvantages of the procedures are presented and the risks and side effects are explained. However, this cannot replace a personal consultation (also via video), in which these aspects are explained and adapted individually. We therefore look forward to a personal consultation with you!

Who is it for?

The P-Shot® is suitable for all patients who want to improve their erectile function. The age of the patient is irrelevant, as young men also suffer from reduced erectile function. The P-Shot® pro is the more intensive version and is particularly recommended if there is a genuine erectile dysfunction. During a consultation, we will find out which treatment is best for you.


The P-Shot® treatment follows a set protocol. You will receive three appointments at four-week intervals, at each of which we will take blood samples to prepare the P-Shot®. The procedure was developed by us. After a short time, the P-Shot® is ready for injection. The injection is made above the base of the penis, i.e. in the area of the hairy pubic skin.

After treatment

You will feel the injection of the P-Shot® as a small "prick". You can leave the clinic immediately afterwards and go about your normal daily routine, but you should not do any sport for 24 hours. After 24 hours this is possible again and sexual activity is not only possible but also desirable in order to stimulate blood flow to the penis and thus support the formation of new blood vessels.

Results & risks

The effect of the P-Shot® takes several weeks to set in. Occasionally, patients report that they feel an improvement in their erection after the first injection. These effects can occur, but must be stabilised by further treatments with the P-Shot®. Therefore, three treatments are always required to achieve a stable result.
The defects become larger over time and after the third injection, the body still needs a few weeks to complete the vascularisation process. Patience is therefore required for this treatment. Certain medications are administered at the same time to further improve blood circulation in the genital area.