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Liposuction arms

Fettabsaugung Arme

Many women like to wear loose-fitting tops in summer and are annoyed by excess fat on their upper arms. It is not uncommon for these to extend into the shoulder area. With modern liposuction techniques on the upper arms, we can remedy this at the Rosengarten Clinic.

Excessively thick upper arms and angled arms: liposuction on the arms.

If you no longer want to wear spaghetti straps or tight blouses no longer fit because the fabric on your upper arms stretches, then you may be suffering from a build-up of fat on your upper arms. The upper arms are an area where fatty tissue often accumulates and causes considerable problems for the women affected. Tight-fitting clothing can no longer be worn, sleeveless clothing remains in the wardrobe and those affected are afraid to show off their upper arms, which are sometimes also referred to as ‘angular arms’.

Liposuction on the arms can help to remove these fat pads. More than in any other part of the body, it is important to optimise the technical and planning aspects of liposuction on the upper arms. The reason for this is that the skin on the upper arms can quickly sag after liposuction and increase the appearance of the angled arms as empty skin towards the bottom.

This is where the specialist comes in, as he or she must recognise when liposuction of the upper arms alone makes sense or when a small tightening operation should also be planned. If you decide in favour of liposuction of the arms alone, the choice of liposuction technique is important. Various systems are available at the Klinik am Rosengarten practice. We have not decided on one system, but can choose between different procedures. The procedures also include liposuction techniques in which the skin in the treated area is directly tightened and the tissue stabilised to prevent it from sagging. Such tightening techniques are definitely recommended for liposuction on the upper arms. In severe cases, an upper arm lift may even be advisable to remove the excess skin. As you can see, liposuction on the upper arms is a complex topic on which you should definitely seek personal advice from an experienced specialist.

Fat on upper arms with lipoedema

Patients with lipoedema are often also affected by painful, nodular fat deposits on the upper arm. This fatty tissue sometimes even extends into the forearm area and needs to be suctioned out over a large area in a targeted manner. A great deal of experience is required here, as the treatment of lipoedema is in no way similar to normal liposuction. Both the planning, the operation and the aftercare require specialised knowledge of lipoedema, which is why the operation should be performed by a specialist. It is not uncommon for other areas of the body to be affected and a well-planned procedure in several stages can relieve patients with lipo dem from their suffering.


For further information, please see the bottom of the page. This is where the advantages and disadvantages of the procedures are presented and the risks and side effects are explained. However, this cannot replace a personal consultation (also via video), in which these aspects are explained and adapted individually. We therefore look forward to a personal consultation with you!

Who is it for?

The women who come to us for liposuction on their arms usually know quite well themselves whether they have an annoying fat deposit on their upper arms. The proof is in everyday life: Do you get stuck in tight blouses or avoid wearing sleeveless tops? Do you feel embarrassed in a bikini and avoid lifting your arms because the skin hangs down annoyingly? These are all signs of an annoying accumulation of fat on the upper arms, which can be effectively removed by liposuction. If you have other fat deposits that you would like to have treated at the same time, you may also be a candidate for surgery. Several fat deposits can also be removed in one step.


The details depend somewhat on the technique used for liposuction on the upper arm. As a general rule, small incisions can be used and the resulting scars are only a few millimetres long and barely visible. The liposuction devices are inserted through these small openings, the fat is loosened and suctioned out and, if necessary, the skin and connective tissue are tightened at the same time. The operation is usually performed under a short anaesthetic, but can also be performed under local anaesthetic. An overnight stay in the private clinic is not necessary, as you can leave the clinic with an accompanying person after the operation and a short recovery period. The pain after the operation is manageable and the administration of mild painkillers is usually sufficient to make everyday life pain-free.

After the treatment

During liposuction on the arms, you will be fitted with a compression girdle in the operating theatre. These are similar to compression stockings for the arms and help the body to transport excess fluid and lymph from the arms back into the body and press the skin tightly against the body so that it does not sag during the healing phase. It is important to wear the compression bandage, take it off to shower and put it on again immediately afterwards. Even if this operation only results in very small scars, scar care may be advisable as the skin areas are often uncovered. We are one of the few clinics in Germany to have our own range of scar care products, which we will inform you about in detail during our consultation.

Results & Risks

The greatest risk after liposuction on the arms is certainly that the skin does not regress sufficiently. The skin then hangs down and is bothersome, and we have to think about a tightening operation. Skin regression is very difficult to predict as it is different for everyone. In some people, the skin recovers very well after liposuction on the upper arms and there are no sagging sleeves, while in other patients the skin is loose and begins to sag after the fatty tissue has been removed. When performing liposuction on the upper arms, it is therefore particularly important that an experienced specialist chooses the right procedure and performs the operation professionally. Occasionally bruising (haematomas) occurs, which can impair the lymphatic drainage from the arms. Arms and hands may swell and should therefore be elevated frequently after the operation. The haematomas can occasionally press on small nerves and lead to numbness in the skin, but this should disappear after around three months.