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Liposuction legs

Fettabsaugung Beine

The distribution of fatty tissue in the human body is genetically predetermined. If you look at mother and daughter or father and son, you will often notice that fat accumulates in certain parts of the body. The thighs, lower legs, calves and ankles are frequently affected. Modern procedures can be used to remove the fat deposits and tighten the skin.

Liposuction on the legs: shaping the thighs, lower legs and ankles

Fat tissue can accumulate on the thighs as well as on the knees, calves, lower legs and ankles. The abdomen and back are often not affected by this accumulation of fat, but the area is isolated in the lower half of the body. Liposuction on the thighs can help here. However, the lower legs, calves and even the ankles can also be affected by fat deposits. At Praxisklinik am Rosengarten, we use modern liposuction techniques to effectively remove these fat deposits.

While many practices and clinics only offer one liposuction technique, we have specialised in providing our patients with a wide range of possible liposuction techniques. The background is simple: depending on the initial situation, one technique may be superior to the other and lead to better results. A second reason is that a combination of two techniques can perfect the result, so that we are proud to be able to make a decision when choosing the technique.

This means that we can also select the optimal technique for your specific case with a high degree of probability, be it water-jet assisted liposuction, radiofrequency technology, vibration technology, argon plasma (high definition lipo) or vibration technology.


For further information, please see the bottom of the page. This is where the advantages and disadvantages of the procedures are presented and the risks and side effects are explained. However, this cannot replace a personal consultation (also via video), in which these aspects are explained and adapted individually. We therefore look forward to a personal consultation with you!

Who is it for?

Liposuction of the thighs is suitable for all patients who, for example, find it difficult to fit into trousers despite a slim waist because their thighs are too big. Isolated fat deposits such as saddlebags or fat deposits on the inside of the knees can also be easily removed with our liposuction. Another case is fat deposits on the calves or below the kneecap. These fat deposits can occur in addition to the fat deposits on the thighs, but can also be a problem on their own. Here, too, we can help with our liposuction techniques. Fat can accumulate at the very bottom of the lower leg in the ankle area, which can detract from the appearance of the ankles when wearing slightly shorter trousers, for example. Here too, there are techniques to remove fat from the ankles.


The procedure we choose for liposuction of the thighs, lower legs, calves or ankles depends to some extent on the initial situation you bring with you to the Klinik am Rosengarten. What is your connective tissue like? Have you already had liposuction, where are the fat deposits, what is the structure of the skin above them and what are your expectations of the result? We need to discuss all these questions together and analyse the initial situation. We will draw up a treatment plan, calculate the costs, explain the advantages and disadvantages of the individual procedures, explain the aftercare and give you an insight into the expected results. On the day of the procedure, you will usually be given a short anaesthetic so that the discussed procedure can be carried out. The specialist you have already met beforehand will come to you to make the markings. Liposuction on the legs can only be successful if the markings are made while you are standing before the operation. After the operation, you can either be accompanied home or spend the night in our private clinic.

After the treatment

You will receive compression garments from us. Good circular compression for six weeks is essential for liposuction on the thighs. Compression is also required for liposuction on the calf and knee. In these cases, we will provide you with compression trousers that reach above the knee. You can shower again after two days by briefly removing the compression garment, showering carefully and putting it on again immediately. In some cases, lymphatic drainage may be useful. We will inform you about this as part of the preparation and discuss the procedure with you. Liposuction on the legs leaves virtually no scars, only small puncture marks through which the liposuction cannula must be inserted. Scar care can be useful here to ensure that the scars heal as invisibly as possible. We are one of the few clinics to have our own scar care programme, which we will be happy to inform you about.

Results & Risks

Liposuction on the legs occasionally results in visible bruising (haematomas) on the legs. This is mainly due to the fact that the suctioned areas are relatively large and the blood follows the force of gravity and therefore tends to collect in the legs. These can remain swollen for weeks after the operation, which is why it is very important to wear compression garments after liposuction on the legs. The results will therefore take a little longer to appear and you will need about 3-6 months patience to be able to judge the final shape. In some cases, it may take longer. The art of liposuction on the legs certainly lies in choosing the right method of liposuction. It is essential to avoid, for example, that the skin on the inside of the thighs hangs down or that the shape of the thighs becomes too masculine because too much fat is suctioned out. The experience of the specialist and the technical equipment of the clinic are crucial here. The main risks after liposuction of the legs are asymmetries, as it is often not possible to liposuction the legs in exactly the same shape. Often one leg is slightly longer, the pelvis is crooked and there is asymmetry between the right and left side even before the operation. This must be taken into account when assessing the results. Other consequences after liposuction of the legs depend very much on the choice of liposection technology used. We will explain this to you in detail during your pre-operative consultation.