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Upper eyelid lift (drooping eyelids)


Upper eyelid lift - A small step towards a clear gaze

Duration of the OP
Approx. 1 hour under local anaesthetic or general anaesthetic (especially when combined with other procedures)
Outpatient operation, rest for approx. 3-4 days, suture removal after 6-7 days
(e.g. invitation to dinner): Bruises are visible on the eye for about a week, so it is important to plan a time after the operation when you can withdraw a little.
after approx. 1 week

The upper eyelid lift, also known in medicine as blepharoplasty, is one of the best procedures in aesthetic surgery. Why? The answer is quite simple: a short procedure under local anaesthetic achieves a magnificent result, side effects are extremely rare and the chances of success are enormous.

But right from the start: Many people are bothered by the tired and sad facial expression caused by drooping upper eyelids. Not only older patients in the second half of life, but also many younger patients are affected by such excess skin (due to their constitution). The upper eyelid crease is no longer visible and over time the skin above the eyelid crease hangs down to the eyelashes. Apart from the fact that eye make-up is severely impaired, some patients may even experience impaired vision as the skin presses on the upper eyelid from above.

Many patients are amazed at how simple a solution to drooping eyelids can be: An upper eyelid lift is a simple and safe procedure to remove the excess skin. The procedure is sometimes combined with a tightening of the lower eyelids (bags under the eyes), but can of course also be performed on its own.


For further information, please see the bottom of the page. This is where the advantages and disadvantages of the procedures are presented and the risks and side effects are explained. However, this cannot replace a personal consultation (also via video), in which these aspects are explained and adapted individually. We therefore look forward to a personal consultation with you!

Who is it for?

An upper eyelid lift, also known as blepharoplasty, can be useful for people who suffer from certain aesthetic or functional problems in the upper eyelid area. Here are some reasons why an upper eyelid lift may be considered: 1) Sagging or drooping skin: people with excess, drooping skin on the upper eyelids that interferes with vision or appearance may benefit from an upper eyelid lift. 2) Drooping eyelids: Drooping eyelids occur when fatty tissue protrudes from the eye socket and makes the eyelids appear heavier. An upper eyelid lift can help to restore the natural eyelid profile. 3. restricted field of vision: If excess skin obstructs vision, an upper eyelid lift can be useful not only aesthetically but also functionally. 4 Genetic predisposition: Some people have naturally heavy or drooping upper eyelids due to their genetic predisposition. In these cases, an upper eyelid lift can lead to a more open and alert look. 5) Improving the overall appearance: An upper eyelid lift can also be performed for purely aesthetic reasons to rejuvenate and refresh the overall appearance. It is important to note that an upper eyelid lift is not suitable for everyone. A thorough examination should be carried out by an experienced plastic surgeon before the procedure to discuss the patient's individual needs and expectations and to ensure that the treatment is suitable.


How does an upper eyelid lift work? Firstly, markings are made before the operation, which serve as an important aid for the surgeon during the operation. The markings are made with the patient awake and half-sitting, as you can help determine the extent of the skin resection by opening and closing your eyes. After marking, a lateral needle puncture is made to anaesthetise the upper eyelid. From now on, keep your eyes closed and relaxed and no longer feel any pain. Firstly, the excess skin is removed, the eye ring muscle is tightened and the underlying fat is trimmed or completely removed. Haemostasis is performed using bipolar tweezers with a beeping sound that should not irritate you. When suturing with a fine thread, your upper eyelid will occasionally be lifted and light will fall into your eye. This is also normal and should not disturb you. It is also normal that you will not be able to close your eyes without tension immediately after the operation. This is due to the swelling, which will allow you to close your eyelids more relaxed after just a few days. After suturing, you will be given steristrips (brown plasters), possibly a slightly compressive bandage and cold packs. After about an hour, the dressing is removed and you can be collected by your driver.

After Treatment

The difficulty with eyelid lifts is that the consequences of the operation cannot be concealed as the procedure is performed in the centre of the face. The resulting haematomas collect mainly in the lower eyelid area and lead to visible discolouration, which can persist for up to 10 days (upper eyelids) or 3 weeks (lower eyelids) depending on the tendency to haematoma. Pain after the operation is rare and the patient is usually fit for everyday life immediately. Sunglasses can help to conceal the effects of the operation in public. Depending on where you work, you should take the entire time off work or combine the post-operative phase with a short holiday. The stitches are removed after a week and any visible effects of the operation can be covered up. Sport should be avoided for 1-3 weeks.

Results & risks

After an initial decongestion phase of approx. one week, the result is visible and after 3 months the full result is visible with an invisible scar. Slightly reddened scars can take up to 6 months to match the colour of the surrounding skin. We repeatedly see results from other colleagues that are not satisfactory and you can also read on the internet that problems occur after the operation. In our opinion, however, the upper eyelid lift is the perfect aesthetic surgery: safe and consistently good results, little downtime and few to no complications are the rule in experienced hands. It is one of the most common operations of all. We have the experience of a large number of patients and therefore know that side effects and complications are very rare. The few problems that can occur after an upper eyelid lift include temporary watering of the eye, the remaining excess skin on the upper eyelid side and temporary swelling, which can lead to impaired eyelid closure for a short time after the operation.