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Penis lengthening


Penis lengthening

Duration of the OP
1 ½ - 2 hours
Self-dissolving stitches, self-distraction treatment. No smoking for 8 weeks
(e.g. invitation to dinner) after approx. 3-5 days
Rest for 2-3 weeks and avoid sport
abstain from sexual intercourse for approx. 3-4 weeks

You would never guess how old the discussion about penis size, penis length and penis thickness is. Men (and women!) have always been concerned with this question. Penis size definitely plays a measurable role. This has been proven in a study by Kings College London, where Dr Timo Spanholtz completed part of his training. Various media (including Spiegel Online and Playboy) reported extensively on this study and penis enlargement surgery. Nevertheless, more important than size and length is often: even more penis size and even more penis length.

We can only encourage you: we know from countless conversations with patients how long many of our patients have been dealing with this issue. The majority of them are always looking for ways and solutions to the question: Is penis enlargement possible? On this page we would like to inform you about the possibilities of penis enlargement. You can also find more in-depth information on our website, which is primarily dedicated to this topic:


As already explained, we at the Praxisklink am Rosengarten focus on the overall appearance after penis enlargement. This can only be achieved through the combination of penis enlargement and penis thickening. In concrete figures, this relationship can be illustrated as follows:

  • In many cases, an increase in penis length of 3 cm (2-4 cm on average) is achieved.
  • With 3 cm more penis length, the penis thickness must be adjusted accordingly. An increase in girth of approx. 2 cm can be achieved.
  • Together, the combination of penis lengthening and thickening achieves a natural and attractive overall result.

For further information, please see the bottom of the page. This is where the advantages and disadvantages of the procedures are presented and the risks and side effects are explained. However, this cannot replace a personal consultation (also via video), in which these aspects are explained and adapted individually. We therefore look forward to a personal consultation with you!

“The question of penis size, length and thickness has long been a concern for both men and women. Science shows that penis length is definitely a measurable size. For example, a study by King's College London, where Dr. Timo Spanholtz completed part of his training, dealt with the question of penis length. In international comparison, German men are not doing so badly (1).”


(1) ‘Am I normal? A systematic review and construction of nomograms for flaccid and erect penis length and circumference in up to 15,521 men.’ David Veale, Sarah Miles, Sally Bramley, Gordon Muir, and John Hodsoll. Published in BJU International DOI: 10.1111/bju.13010

Who is it for?

We have completely different patients who we advise for this penis enlargement operation. Many have a normal penis size of 5-10 cm when flaccid, but would still like a little more penis length. As penis length increases, penis thickness should also always be considered, as this rounds off the overall impression of the penis. So-called micropenises can also be lengthened. We have students, young trainees, university professors, models and family men as patients. It is a myth that this penis lengthening operation is only suitable for extravagant and particularly courageous patients. The opposite is true: our range of patients proves that men of all backgrounds, ages and ‘basic’ features are interested in penis enlargement. We can help all of them to become a little more manly with surgical penis enlargement. You are not from Cologne or the surrounding area, but have a longer journey? No problem. Thanks to our excellent reputation, patients come to us not only from all over Germany, but also from other European and international countries. We will be happy to organise your arrival and departure, as well as overnight accommodation in our partner hotel.


Penis enlargement is a surgical procedure that optically improves the size and length of the penis. Penis enlargement surgery is one of the two procedures (in addition to penis thickening) performed as part of penis enlargement. Together, both procedures lead to a larger penis. While many inexperienced surgeons only consider one of the aspects, we take great care to ensure that the overall appearance of the penis enlargement is convincing for our patients. How does penis enlargement surgery work? As already explained, a combination of penis enlargement and penis thickening is recommended for an optimal overall appearance of the penis. We explain the two surgical procedures below. How does penis enlargement work? What many people don't realise is that a large proportion of penis length is hidden inside the body. The obvious penis size, the external part of the penis, therefore only represents part of the true penis length. As part of penis enlargement, this hidden penis length can be made visible. To do this, the so-called suspensory ligaments are detached from the penis via a small incision at the base of the penis. These suspensory ligaments are part of a 3-dimensional ligamentous apparatus that holds the penis back. During penis lengthening surgery, the penis itself is detached from these ligaments and the penis shaft is pushed further forwards or outwards. This requires years of experience in order to prevent the penis from retracting during the healing phase and to apply the internal fixation professionally and permanently. Follow-up treatment by means of distraction (Dr Spanholtz will explain more about this in person) is an important measure for long-term success. And how is penis thickening achieved? Penis length alone, however, does not make the picture coherent. The thickness of the penis must therefore also be adjusted as part of a natural penis enlargement. We speak of natural penis enlargement because we do not use any artificial implants. As a renowned plastic surgeon, we therefore do not offer penis enlargement with silicone, but take a completely different approach. For a natural penis enlargement, we use the patient's own fat. For the so-called autologous fat transfer, we first remove fat from the patient's flanks or abdomen. This autologous fat is then transferred to the penis shaft as part of the natural penis enlargement procedure. This penis enlargement operation is also often used to completely remove unwanted fat deposits and use them for thickening.

After the treatment

What needs to be considered after penis enlargement surgery? After penis enlargement, you should perform a stretching treatment with the penis in the morning and evening. You will find out all the necessary details in your personal consultation and we will also provide you with the necessary equipment. We use a version of the Penimaster ( that is specially adapted to our needs. You should avoid sexual intercourse for about 3 weeks after the surgical penis enlargement, but otherwise you will have few restrictions. The distraction should be performed in the morning (before work) and also in the evening. In many cases, patients distract the penis through the night, which is made easy and comfortable by wearing the Penimaster. Distraction is important to improve the result after penis lengthening surgery. We will not only advise you on which distractor is best for you, but you can also obtain the distractor directly from us. As you can see: an all-round carefree package for our patients. Scar care can be carried out with Scarcare® scar care (, for example.

Results & Risks

Penis enlargement before - after: What does it mean for your penis size? Based on the penis enlargement experiences in our practice, we know that it is important not to give patients false hope. Both parties should be realistic. After all, the end result of penis enlargement always depends on the initial situation. Two scenarios are conceivable: Penis enlargement before and after: If the penis has an erection length of less than 12 cm before the operation, we will not be able to help you achieve an average length with the operation. Nevertheless, you will have a clearly visible increase in penis size (penis length and diameter). A brief example: If you have an erection length of 9 cm before penis enlargement surgery and an erection length of 14 cm after penis enlargement surgery, this corresponds to 155% of your previous length! A result that is definitely ‘something to be proud of’. Penis enlargement before and after (2): If your penis is already in the lower normal range with an erection length of over 12 cm before the penis enlargement operation, we can achieve a very beautiful and satisfactory result with our surgical penis enlargement technique. How dangerous is penis enlargement? The risks of penis enlargement are absolutely manageable in experienced hands. Unfortunately, we repeatedly see results from home and abroad that present nodular scarring, unevenly distributed fatty tissue and unsatisfactory results. With the numerous procedures that Dr Spanholtz can now look back on, one thing has become clear: penis enlargement surgery is safe and reliable in experienced hands. However, there are important things to say in advance about the results: Neither length gain nor thickness increase can be predicted with certainty. While the length of the penis depends on the anatomy of each man, the healing of fatty tissue is determined by lifestyle habits (smoking!!) and genetics. We know that we can achieve penis lengthening and thickening in every case. How good the results are after a year, however, varies. Nevertheless, our patients are satisfied, as they can all report an increase in length and thickness and know that everything has been tried to maximise the result.