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Removal of the double chin

Lästiges Doppelkinn entfernen!

In many cases, the double chin is a disturbing factor, e.g. in profile photos or when the head is tilted backwards and a disturbing fold of skin and a disturbing body of fat spoil the view. In plastic surgery, there are various techniques for correcting the double chin and tightening the excess skin - some of these techniques even involve no scarring at all.

Remove annoying double chin!

Mann mit Doppelkinn
Duration of the OP
approx. 1 hour
Outpatient procedure, rest for 4-7 days, suture removal after 7-10 days, wearing the face-lift girdle permanently for the first 72 hours, then as often as possible during the day and at night for 8 weeks
(e.g. invitation to dinner): approx. 7-14 days
approx. 4 weeks

A double chin, medically referred to as submental fat, occurs when excess fatty tissue accumulates under the chin. This aesthetic problem affects people of all ages and weights. It can be genetic or develop as a result of weight gain, sagging skin or age-related changes.

For many people, a double chin is undesirable and can affect self-esteem. Fortunately, there are several treatment options available, including non-invasive methods such as cryolipolysis and Kybella, as well as minimally invasive procedures such as liposuction and MyEllevate®.

Find out how these innovative approaches can help improve the appearance of a double chin and find the right solution for your individual needs. Modern aesthetic technologies can help you say goodbye to your double chin and achieve a more confident, harmonious appearance.

The Praxisklinik am Rosengarten has various technologies that can help to remove the double chin and tighten the skin on the neck. In this text, we will introduce you to the most common treatment options:

Liposuction of the double chin: Disruptive fat deposits in the neck area can be removed by liposuction of the double chin. Modern procedures such as water-jet assisted liposuction (Bodyjet, WAL liposuction) are available at the Rosengarten Clinic for this purpose.

Liposuction and neck lift: In addition to the double chin liposuction procedures mentioned above, we can also use certain devices that simultaneously tighten the skin. These include techniques such as radiofrequency tightening (BodyTite) or skin tightening with the argon laser (ArgoPlasma, plasma laser) or the Leonardo laser.

Minimally invasive neck skin tightening with MyEllevate®: We have a separate page for this: Find out more about MyEllevate®.

Open removal of excess skin: Excess skin, especially after liposuction of the double chin, can also be removed using incision techniques. On the one hand, the techniques of the lower facelift, neck lift and open neck lift can be used here. In the latter technique, a fine incision is made under the chin to remove the excess skin. A larger technique involves zigzagging along the neck to the décolleté to remove excess skin.

As you can see, at Praxisklinik am Rosengarten we offer all the important technologies for double chin removal and can offer you the right treatment for almost any initial situation.


For further information, please see the bottom of the page. This is where the advantages and disadvantages of the procedures are presented and the risks and side effects are explained. However, this cannot replace a personal consultation (also via video), in which these aspects are explained and adapted individually. We therefore look forward to a personal consultation with you!

Who is it for?

Double chin surgery is a promising solution for anyone who wants to get rid of unwanted fat under the chin. The procedure is suitable for people with genetically determined fat under the chin, age-related sagging of the skin or an increase in the double chin due to weight changes. If you are looking for a more harmonious profile, want to boost your self-confidence and get rid of unwanted submental fat, double chin surgery could be the right choice for you. In experienced hands, this procedure can be customised to achieve optimal results. Find out how modern aesthetic procedures such as liposuction, MyEllevate® or non-invasive techniques can be the solution to your double chin problem. Consult with specialists to find out if you are a candidate for this effective and transformative treatment. Start your journey to a defined, confident appearance.


The exact procedure of a double chin correction depends heavily on the chosen technique. Liposuction, for example, only requires small openings behind the earlobes in order to gently remove the excess fatty tissue. With additional skin tightening using radiofrequency, ArgoPlasma, Fractora or Leonardo laser, no additional incisions are necessary as the procedure can be carried out through the liposuction openings. Skin tightening with MyEllevate also works with very small openings that are not visible as scars later on. You can find out more about this technique here. Only an open neck lift with significant excess skin leaves a scar, but this can be skilfully hidden in the neck folds with good scar care. All of the above operations are usually performed under short anaesthesia, but can also be planned without an overnight stay in the private clinic.

After Treatment

Regardless of the procedure chosen, a compression phase lasting several days must always be planned. This means that a special compression garment is issued, which must be worn around the clock for a period of 5-7 days. This makes it clear that a certain amount of downtime must accompany the removal of the double chin, as the patient will not initially be able to socialise. A break from sporting activities is also advisable so that the wounds can heal well and without irritation. The bruises (haematomas) usually disappear within a few days and patients are fully socially acceptable again after around 10-14 days. The pain is minimal and the scars are inconspicuous.

Results & risks

The results depend heavily on the chosen treatment technique. Liposuction is a good and effective way to reduce excess fat deposits on the neck and, if the right technique is chosen, the skin can also be tightened. With the innovative MyEllevate® technology from the USA, small excess skin can be reduced very well in a minimally invasive way and a good jawline with a defined chin-neck angle can be created. The results of an open neck lift can also be very good if the excess skin is reduced and such a technique is justified. Patient satisfaction after removal of a double chin is very high.