Exokine® - the innovation for reversing skin ageing on the face, neck, décolleté and hands
Exokine® helps you to improve the quality of your skin in all skin layers and refine your skin structure. It is an innovative procedure and is based on the well-known PRP treatments (Dracula therapy, Vampire Facelift). Exokine® is a personalized aesthetic procedure. The aim of the treatment is to intensively build up the skin and give it back more elasticity. By increasing skin firmness, Exokine® gives a radiantly beautiful, fresher and rejuvenated appearance. The therapy is 100% natural and can of course be combined with other methods of skin rejuvenation, such as Botox, hyaluronic acid injections and other devices (e.g. Fractora® radiofrequency therapy). In contrast to PRP, exokine serum does not contain any coagulation factors or additives.
All we need for therapy with Exokine® is your blood. This contains the best ingredients for regeneration and rejuvenation, which are isolated and concentrated using a special process. The treatment process for your blood is so effective that the concentration of active ingredients is significantly higher than with conventional PRP therapy methods. As a result, the treated tissue can build up significantly more collagen than with the help of PRP. Nevertheless, no chemical additives are required. The effect is extremely long-lasting, lasting up to 12 months.
Exokine® is a new treatment method that represents a further development of the already familiar PRP treatment. Unlike many other skin rejuvenation treatments, no exogenous substances are injected into or under the skin. Instead, highly effective components of your blood are activated in such a way that they have a lasting, positive effect on skin regeneration - in a gentle, endogenous, non-chemical way.
This is how the treatment works: Some blood is drawn using special tubes. These contain extremely fine glass beads with a special surface that activate the hormones from the blood and increase their effectiveness. To further optimize this process, your blood is incubated for several hours at 37 degrees in order to increase the activity of the growth hormones and stem cells. The serum is then isolated from your blood by centrifugation, as the serum contains the important, activated regenerative substances. This serum is called autologous conditioned EdS (exokine derived serum). It contains a much higher concentration of regenerative substances than conventional PRP, is cell-free and has both an anti-inflammatory and a strong regenerative effect. An increase in collagen and stem cells in the treated tissue area can be detected just a few weeks after application.
The procedure has been used clinically since 1998 to treat joint wear and tear, nerve pain in the spine and tendon and muscle injuries. Now it is also used to reverse skin ageing.
The actual treatment with the Exokine® serum rarely takes more than 20 minutes. However, the freshly drawn blood must be processed in a special incubator for 6 hours and then centrifuged. Only then are the body's own regenerative substances released into the blood and then concentrated in the serum.
If the first treatment is to take place on the day of blood collection, a morning blood collection must therefore be combined with a treatment carried out 6 hours later.
The activated serum can then be stored frozen for up to a year so that subsequent appointments do not require a new blood sample.
For optimum results, it is advisable to have three treatments carried out at intervals of around 4 weeks.
When injecting the concentrated regenerative substances, a slight burning or tingling of the skin may occur. In addition, small bruises may form in areas with thin skin. Small swellings may temporarily form around the injection points on the thin skin of the neck or in the eye area. These usually disappear after about 24 hours. As the material used is exclusively the body's own, allergies or intolerances are not to be expected.
Please start drinking 2-3 liters of water a day at least one week before your first treatment appointment. Come to your treatment appointment without make-up and without having applied skin care creams in the morning. Please refrain from drinking alcohol on the day before and on the day of your treatment. Nicotine should be avoided 2 weeks before the treatment and 4 weeks after the treatment, as the effects of Exokine® can be negatively influenced.
Avoid physical exertion and going to the sauna on the day of treatment and the following day. If small bruises have formed, please use a sunscreen with a high SPF until they subside. Intensive sport should also be avoided for 2-3 days.
For further information, please see the bottom of the page. This is where the advantages and disadvantages of the procedures are presented and the risks and side effects are explained. However, this cannot replace a personal consultation (also via video), in which these aspects are explained and adapted individually. We therefore look forward to a personal consultation with you!
The company
The personalized regeneration therapy with Exokine® was developed by an innovative German bio-pharmaceutical company. The developer is committed to working with patients, physicians, scientists and healthcare providers to develop innovative treatments that help people live healthier and happier lives every day. ORTHOGEN AG has over 25 years of experience in research and development in the field of endogenous treatment methods.
The Praxisklinik am Rosengarten recognized the potential of Exokine® treatment very early on and was one of the first providers in Germany. We now have a wealth of experience with Exokine® and can treat our patients effectively and professionally.
The advantages of Exokine® summarized:
No harmful additives
100% natural beauty
Reversal of skin ageing through:
- Improving skin elasticity and firmness
- Increased collagen type I and elastin in your skin
- Improved skin hydration
- Increase in stem cell concentration
- Increase in growth factors
- Reduction of redness
- Activation of natural radiance
Who is it for?
The face is cleaned and any remaining make-up or other skin care products are removed. The activated PRP exokine is then injected into the skin and under the skin using a wafer-thin cannula. The treatment itself takes around 30 minutes and is largely painless. For patients who are sensitive to pain, the skin can be pretreated with a local anaesthetic cream.