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Intensive peeling of the skin

The skin surface should be smooth and even. Irregularities in the texture disrupt this image, but can be significantly improved using modern aesthetic medicine procedures.

Chemical peeling for smooth facial skin

The freshness and youthfulness of the face is the result of many individual factors. One of these factors is the texture of the skin surface. Smooth and firm skin gives the face a natural freshness. It is therefore important to care for and improve the surface structure of the skin in addition to the many treatment options available.

Aesthetic medicine offers many options for smoothing facial skin. At Praxisklinik am Rosengarten alone, we offer a dozen treatments that can help to maintain or restore smooth facial skin. The key to success almost always lies in a combination of different techniques. One facial skin treatment that has been established for decades is chemical peeling. The treatment is simple and effective, suitable for the entire face and regularly leads to a significant improvement in the appearance of the skin.

Various peeling methods are available on the market. They vary in intensity, so the right procedure must be selected for each individual patient. We have a wide range of chemical peels and can help you to achieve the goal of smooth facial skin with this procedure.


For further information, please see the bottom of the page. This is where the advantages and disadvantages of the procedures are presented and the risks and side effects are explained. However, this cannot replace a personal consultation (also via video), in which these aspects are explained and adapted individually. We therefore look forward to a personal consultation with you!

Who is it for?

Peeling procedures for facial skin are suitable for all patients who want to do something prophylactically or therapeutically for the structure of their facial skin. It does not matter whether they are still young and want to do something for the structure of their skin as a preventative measure, or whether they are middle-aged or older and are already complaining of wrinkles on their skin.


The process of a peeling treatment is relatively simple: after a thorough facial cleansing, during which the remnants of day care and cosmetics are removed, the face is prepared with a so-called primer. This is the first substance that is applied to prepare the skin for the peeling.
In the second step, the eyes are protected and the actual solution is applied quickly and evenly. This is done under the constant supervision of the treating doctor. After a defined exposure time, the effect is stopped with another solution and the skin is treated with a moisturising emulsion.

After treatment

The skin initially appears whitish in colour and changes to an evenly reddened skin within around 30 to 60 minutes. The appearance is comparable to a slight sunburn. You can leave the clinic after approx. 30 minutes, but should avoid UV light and other aggressive substances such as chlorinated water.
You will be fit for socialising after approx. 5-7 days, with light peelings even after two days. During this time, the skin must be intensively cared for according to our instructions.
In the days following the treatment, depending on the intensity of the peeling used, the skin may flake, similar to sunburn.
Old skin layers on the surface are shed and fresh, smooth and youthful skin is revealed.

Results & risks

The results are visible just a few days after the peeling treatment. With intensive peelings, the superficial skin must first peel off before the young, fresh skin underneath is revealed. This skin is pore-deep clean and smooth, sometimes even rosy and wrinkle-free. However, it is also somewhat more sensitive and needs to be protected and cared for accordingly.