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Temple lift

Schläfenlifting: Straffung der Augenbrauen und der Schläfen

With advancing age, the skin in the area of the temples and lateral forehead sags, which often leads to a sagging of the lateral eyebrow. A skin tightening in this area enables a lateral lift at the temples. This often leads to a considerable rejuvenation of the overall appearance, making the eyes look younger and clearer. Existing lateral wrinkles are minimised and also lifted. In some cases, lateral forehead wrinkles are even reduced and the upper cheek area is lifted.

Temple lift: lifting of the eyebrows and temples

Duration of the OP
approx. 2 hours
Swelling and visible bruising for several days, follow-up checks after 1, 3, 6 and 12 weeks
(e.g. invitation to dinner) after about 1-2 weeks
after approx. 2 - 3 weeks
low to medium

With increasing age, the skin loses firmness and elasticity. Rapid weight loss, UV exposure or unfavourable lifestyle habits can also contribute to the premature ageing process. These changes are particularly noticeable in the forehead and eyelid area.

Frequent frowning due to diminishing eyesight or frowning during strenuous activities leave visible traces over the years. The eyebrows tend to slide downwards, wrinkles form on the upper eyelid, the palpebral fissure narrows and the face looks tired overall.

A forehead or temple lift can restore a much fresher appearance with comparatively little effort. In the past, such a correction often required a large incision in the hairline or at the hairline.

Today, minimally invasive, endoscopic methods are available. These modern techniques are safe and relatively uncomplicated.


For further information, please see the bottom of the page. This is where the advantages and disadvantages of the procedures are presented and the risks and side effects are explained. However, this cannot replace a personal consultation (also via video), in which these aspects are explained and adapted individually. We therefore look forward to a personal consultation with you!


As a stand-alone procedure, the temple lift is usually performed under local anaesthetic. An anaesthetic can also be administered on request, especially if this procedure is combined with a facelift, for example. The operation begins with a lateral approach in the area of the hairy scalp, about 2-3 cm behind the hairline. The skin is carefully loosened and moved backwards and upwards to achieve the desired lifting effect. Stable sutures under the skin fix the tightening result. The excess skin is then removed in the form of an oblique strip of skin and the wound is then finely closed again. The innovative aspect of this technique is that the resulting inconspicuous and fine scar is completely hidden within the hairy temple. There are alternative techniques in which extensive excess skin must be removed from the hairless temple area. In this case, the scar is finely positioned and concealed at the front edge of the hairline. Male patients with a receding hairline can also benefit from customised marking and planning of the area of skin to be removed.

After Treatment

As with any surgical procedure on the face, this temple lift also involves a period of downtime due to swelling and slight bruising on the cheekbones. This usually occurs 24 to 48 hours after the operation and lasts for around one to two weeks. During this time, you should avoid public appointments and take it easy to help the wound heal. You will receive a special compression girdle from us, which you will need to wear around the clock for the first week. After about 10-14 days, the fine skin sutures will be removed. A sports break of approx. 3 weeks should be planned.

Results & risks

The ageing process naturally resumes after a temple lift and leads to a renewed sagging of the soft tissue over the years. Nevertheless, the treated region is always slightly firmer than the neighbouring regions and as the face continues to age overall, the effect remains harmonious and effective. Of course, a temple lift can be performed again, for example as part of a later facelift, without leaving additional scars.
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