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G-spot injection (G-spot intensification)

Dauer der Behandlung
Ambulanter Eingriff mit einer Dauer von ca. 1 Stunde, in örtlicher Betäubung oder in Narkose (v.a. wenn kombiniert mit anderen Eingriffen)
Keine spezielle Nachsorge notwendig
Schonung für ca. 2-3 Tage
Verzicht auf Sport für ca. 1 Woche
Verzicht auf Sex für ca. 1 Woche

The so-called G-spot is a region in the vagina that was described by the German gynaecologist Ernst Gräfenberg 80 years ago. The G-spot region lies flat against the vaginal canal and increases slightly in volume when stimulated. The area is supplied with numerous nerve fibres and is crucial for a woman's arousal and for the female orgasm. In many women, however, the G-spot is located too deep in the tissue and can therefore be stimulated poorly or not at all. This results in reduced excitability and less pleasure.

G-spot injections with hyaluronic acid or autologous fat can intensify this area and enhance the sexual experience. However, the duration of action of hyaluronic acid is limited. Depending on the patient and metabolic state, a duration of action of up to one year is possible. If a permanent solution is desired, injections with autologous fat are recommended.

We will discuss which treatment method is best for you in a discreet consultation.


For further information, please see the bottom of the page. This is where the advantages and disadvantages of the procedures are presented and the risks and side effects are explained. However, this cannot replace a personal consultation (also via video), in which these aspects are explained and adapted individually. We therefore look forward to a personal consultation with you!

Who is it for?

For all women who want G-spot intensification. Women who want to intensify their sexual experience in order to have more fun during sex are particularly interested in G-spot treatment. A special preliminary examination is therefore not necessary, as the G-spot can always be enlarged, regardless of its anatomical structure.


After a brief local anaesthetic at the injection site, the hyaluronic acid is administered to the G-spot area via a blunt tube. If autologous fat is used for G-spot intensification, some of the patient's own fatty tissue must first be aspirated via a small incision in the navel, which is then injected instead of the hyaluronic acid.

After treatment

It is important to take it easy after the operation to prevent large swellings. A sanitary napkin may need to be applied on the day of treatment.

Pain after the operation is rare and you will be fit for everyday life immediately. Depending on your workplace, you may need to take time off work on the day of treatment.

Results & risks

After the initial decongestant phase, the full effect can already be felt after 1 week.

The aim of G-spot intensification is to make the G-spot more sensitive and more stimulated during sexual activity. This is accompanied by a more intense experience of orgasm and sexuality in general. Of course, the extent to which the G-spot is involved in sexual stimulation and promotes orgasm varies from woman to woman. This is why the results are also very different: while some patients notice a significant change after the procedure, other patients only experience slight improvements.